Chapter 6

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⚠️Warning - Strong language


"Finally!" You sigh silently to yourself, looking at the clock and placing your final finished file down.

You stack each file in one pile and stand up, picking up your backpack and putting it on. You then take the stack of files and turn around in the direction of your bosses office to give hand him the work, but you bump into someone-

"Woah there" your boss says grabbing your arms so you don't tumble over

"Oh, sorry I didn't see you" you say backing away slightly so he lets go

"It's fine, you all done?" He asks looking down at the files then back at you

"..uh yeah. Here you go" you say handing him the stack

"Thank you very much, I knew I could count on you" he says with a unsettling smile, taking the stack from you.

You fake a smile back
"Well I have to go-" you begin

"You're not coming to the dinner?" He asks cutting you off

"I can't, I have to get home and besides my ride will be here any minute" you reply

"Your ride? Is your mom coming to get you?" He asks

"Please god get this fuck away from me" you thought

Suddenly your phone starts to vibrate in your pocket, you were getting a call. You grab your phone and look at the caller ID, it was Jong-Suk.

You smile at your phone and look back at your boss.

"Actually no, my boyfriend is. Have a good dinner, sorry I can't go" you say as you answer the phone with a smile and walk away.

Your boss watches you walk away and scuffs, clenching the files harshly.


You make your way to the exit doors and see Jong-Suk standing in front of his car waiting for you.
You walk over to him exhausted but still with a bright smile.

"Hey beautiful! How was work?" He asks

"Horrible, I'm so over it" you say

"Awe come here" he says pulling you into a hug. You giggle and hug him back tightly.

"You hungry?" he asks "I hear food always fixes everything" he giggles

"Of course!" you say happily

"Good, because I'm starving" he says back, letting you go and grabbing your hand.

He lead you to your side of the car and opens the door. Just before you hop in, you look up at a window of the building and see someone standing there.

Your boss.

He startles you for a second, causing you to hold your gaze up at him.

"What is it?" Jong-Suk asks

You look at him and look back at the window. He was gone.

"Nothing, lets go eat" you say smiling as you get inside the car

Jong-Suk shuts your door and gets in on his side, starting the car.

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