3 | jaded

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I realized a while ago that I was selfish.

Only when it came to sex, though.

Jailyn liked to joke that I was a sex addict, but I took the test on Google and it said I had a relatively low risk. Some of the questions didn't apply to me at all, but the one that stuck out was 'Has anyone been hurt emotionally because of your sexual behavior?'", to which I answered truthfully, saying yes.

The person hurt wasn't anyone I was in a relationship with, or even necessarily close to, but I still felt bad when I sat with Ari and Jade and she pretended she wasn't hurt by Ariana and I's relationship.

"I think Jade mentioned that her job just let a couple people go?" Ari phrased the words as a question, waiting for Jade to confirm or deny what she'd said.

"Jailyn doesn't have her degree yet, does she?" When I shook my head, she gave me an apologetic glance, "Bachelor's degree just for entry-level."

"Oh. Ken, did you wanna apply then?"

Jade didn't necessarily dislike me and had I not overheard a conversation that wasn't meant for me, I wouldn't have been able to tell she had any ill feelings towards me at all.

But I did overhear a conversation, and now I knew Jade was jealous of us.

I understood, but I also didn't. There wasn't even an 'us' to be jealous of. We had sex, sex that Jade knew about, and that was it.

That's where the selfishness came into play. I knew how she felt, and while I wasn't sure if Ari knew, I could've told her that I'd be fine without our arrangement. Clearly, I haven't, and to be completely honest, I didn't see myself doing that anytime soon.

So yes, I was selfish, and no, I didn't want to work in the same space as Jade.

"I'm good." I politely declined, "The coffee thing is working out well for me."

She nodded and resumed typing, "The offer is always there."

The offer was never there because Jade never offered to begin with.

I let another half hour go by before I reached for my keys, "Well, I guess I'll see y'all later."

"Don't forget the bring the banana pudding tomorrow." Ari reminded me.

"What's tomorrow?"

Jade gave a slight laugh, "The birthday party?"

She was referring to Ariana's mother's party, but I thought it was next Saturday, not the upcoming one.

"You forgot to get a gift?" Ari asked, noticing the look on my face.

"I thought it was next week."

"It's tomorrow."

I let out a slow sigh, "I won't be able to make it."

"You have plans?" They both asked in disbelief.

"Damn." I laughed, "I know I don't have a life but don't do me like that."

Ari wasted little time in asking what the plans were, "Plans with Jai?" When I shook my head no, she went on to ask, "Who?"

"This dude who came into my job."

Jade's facial expression remained excited while Ari's morphed into something else, "Aw Ken." Jade beamed, "All this time and you finally found someone."

I didn't care for the 'all this time' part, but shrugged it off, "It's just a date."

Ariana remained silent.

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