32 | breakeven

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Kensley Parker

Alex and Nia had a nice bathroom. I took the time to observe it when I was done throwing up in their sink.

Then, back to the kitchen to make another drink. It was a tequila type of night, but it also was a make it home safely type of night, so I poured mostly cranberry juice and grabbed the Casamigos from the counter.

Nia reached for the bottle when I was finished, "I was excited to finally meet you in person. With how much Alex talks about you, I thought it would've happened before now."

"I hibernate for most of the year."

"Glad we could bring you out." She laughed, "The only time I meet his co-workers is if I stop by the office. I told him to invite them– you're the only one who got an invitation." Nia paused and shook her head, "I think he's hiding me."

She actually wasn't far off. Alex went to great lengths, such as not wearing his ring, to avoid all talk of his personal life with the rest of the office. I didn't understand but also didn't ask about it.

"In his defense, they do have horrible taste. Only thing I'd accept from them is a candle.... And it'd probably stink."

"As long as they had gift receipts. Most of this stuff is going back Monday."

Laughing loudly, I tried to remember if I gave a gift receipt, "You'll have to get store credit for mine."

"We really do love the picture. Thank you again."

"No, it's too late– I'm already crying on the inside."

She was the one I was talking to for most of the night while Alex played host, only speaking to me in passing. Talking to her was as easy as it was her husband, as they had the same sense of humor, never taking anything I said seriously.

It helped that I pre-gamed prior to getting here, so the part of my brain that thought about what I wanted to say before I said it was slowly losing its function.

We got our cups and made our way into the living room where the rest of the guests were seated. Alex's brother, Mason, scooted over for Nia to sit while I stood by the arm, watching them try to figure out how to work a karaoke machine that had been gifted at the start of the night.

Once they got it to turn on, Alex stood up and looked in our direction, "The homeowners go first."

"The flexxx." Mason laughed, "Why would I move out mama's house when I live there rent-free? Y'all have fun paying them bills."

"We have a lotta fun in here."

"That's why I only talk to women with their own place– we have fun at they spot."

Everyone laughed as Nia scrolled through songs, stopping on the one that she wanted, "Okay!" She handed Alex a microphone, "You better show out, too."

I watched in amusement when the song began, the smile slowly falling with every line that they sang, envying the simplicity of a relationship where all Nia had to worry about was why Alex didn't invite his co-workers to their gatherings.

Leave it to me to fall in love with a crazy person.

"And if loving you is a crime, tell me why do I bring out the best in you?"

I would've preferred them to sing any song besides that one, hating that I found a way to apply it to my situation.

"Cross the line, speak about my mine– I'ma wave this Tec, I'ma geek about mine."

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