Iron Flower

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Mika Pov

Mika: Hm... That should do it, Belfast. I'm coming in.

I told her via the comms.

Belfast: Alright Master, please drop the Grazes on the beach. The Bulins will take care of them.

Mika: alright.

I turned off my comms and started moving back to base... This is weird though, I feel like there's something else.

Once I got closer, I dropped the two Grazes I carried to help with the clean up on the beach, which was already getting filled up by the girls... Mostly Universal Bulins and Prototype Bulins.

San Diego: Commander! That was so cool! Hey! Can we take a ride on your uh.. Gundam!

I sweat dropped... Typical San Diego. But then again, she is like a beacon of positive attitude.

Mika: hm... Maybe after this is done.

She beamed immediately.

San Diego: Alright! Can I also bring Little Sandy?!

I sighed... Well, why not.

Mika: sure... Just don't make Barbatos into a stage.

She giggled.

San Diego: no promises Commander!

Oh well, she's slightly better than Sheffield anyway... If she gets in here she might literally dismantle my cockpit.

Belfast: Master, perhaps you should help with rest of the clean up, the Bulins are having a hard time.

Mika: hmm... Alright, I'll just leave my weapon here. Make sure the Destroyers don't touch the blade.

Belfast nodded, however. Just as I was about to drop my long sword, my Alaya-Vijnana triggered and I parried a Gundam sized Javelin.

Mika: tch, Belfast!

Belfast: I'm on it Master! Everyone! Get away! Heavy Cruisers! Get your riggings!

I saw Hood, Deutschland, Dunkeroque, Nagato, and Roon jump off the platform and summoned their riggings.

Mika: I'll get in close while you girls give me cover alright?

All of them nodded.

I boosted straight at the Commander type Graze with my long sword aimed to pierce it in one go. It however managed to parry my blade to the side and went for a punch with it's left, I dodged down and went for a sweep. Once more it avoided my strike by jumping up.

Big mistake.

I went for an uppercut and landed a hit, making it fly backwards.

Mika: you're fast.

No answer... Hm, maybe it's just one more of those improved AI.

Graze: you match the looks of it... So, this is the great White Devil huh. To be honest I was expecting more.

It replied... Cocky too.

Mika: from the way you sound... You're some hotshot in the ranks of Gjallarhorn.

It bowed.

Graze: my! Smart one that's for sure. And here I thought all Space Rats doesn't know how to spell their names.

Mika: tch, you talk to much.

I boosted once more, only for him to move backwards matching my speed.

Graze: why how slow, you only managed to hit me back there since I have no easy way to get out of the sky.

I ignored him, though the size of his Graze is smaller than normal. I stopped my charge and stood still.

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