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After my tears have stopped flowing I wipe my eyes and exit the bathroom as the bell dismisses lunch. I slip into the crowd and make my way to my classes. I sit through class hearing the teachers drone on about whatever topics they teach as I dread music. This is the first time I've ever wanted to skip that class but I make myself go.

When I walk into the room I see Gerard sitting by my seat, as soon as he sees me he shoots up from his chair and walks over to me.

Hey where were you at lunch- oh my ohmygod what happened?

I wince and pull away as he reaches out and touches my cheek with the tips of his fingers.


I push past him and sit down.

You've got to talk to me Frank. It's what friends are for.

I d-dont want t-to.

Really? This again?

I- i'm s-sorry. You'll just leave i-if I t-told you.

The bell rings yet again as Mr. Armstrong hushes us. He starts to lecture today about chords and how to make music sound good. I've already figured out all the music for my song so I sit and doodle an eyeball in my notebook while he talks.

I watch Gerard out of the corner of my eye. He quietly rips out the page he was writing furiously on and folds it up. Still staring at the board Mr. Armstrong was writing on he reaches out and hands me the note. I reluctantly grab it from him and open it up reading it.

Who did that to you? I'll fuck them up. Why would someone do that to you? You can tell me anything you know. And I promise I wont leave. No matter what. You're stuck with me now. Friends for fucking ever.

I write back and my heart beats hard.

It was brendon Jamias bf the girl from the bus and why...well I dont want to tell you right now its embarrassing friends for fucking ever

I toss the note back to him and watch him frown as he reads it. He looks at me and nods. He writes a short note this time and passes it.

Come over to my house after school.

I give him an 'okay' signal with my hands and we focus on the lecture for the rest of the period. As we're dismissed Gerard packs up slowly and I do the same.

We walk in silence to the bus where I know Jamia is waiting for me with her sneering face. Gerard gets on first and I follow close behind. Jamia tries to trip me but Gerard, as if he was expecting it, steadies me by grabbing my hand. He turns around and stares down at her.

Why do you have to be such a bitch Jamia?

His face is twisted in anger and he looks really scary. His grip on my hand tightens until I'm sure I'm losing circulation.

G-gerard l-leave it.


He yells it, taking me aback.

You're telling me I should just stand here and let it happen? Fuck no. Shes a bitch and she needs to know it.

Jamia is just as surprised at Gerard's outburst as I am and I take the opportunity to slip my hand out of Gerards grasp and take his arm, guiding him to our seat.

Jamias face fumes but she just faces the front of the bus with her arms crossed and doesnt say another word.
I turn to Gerard who's eyes still look fiery under his dark hair.

W-what was that f-for?

She cant keep treating you like this. It's not right.

He notices the scared look on my face and his expression softens.

I'm sorry for getting angry. I just need to stand up for the people I care about. I don't want it to be like... last time.

My heart twinges. Gerard...cares about me? I think back to the notes he passed me in music. Signed xoxog. No...he cant have possibly meant it, it must just be the way he signs everything. Like a signature or going away message on Myspace. What does he mean by last time?

I'm f-fine.

He pulls out his phone and loads up the music app. I take the earbud from him and listen to the music- black flag awesome! I text my mom that I was going over to my friends house with exclamation marks and a smiley face. I also text her thank you.

The bus rolls up to Gerards house and I get up and walk down the isle and deboard with Gerard right behind me. I let him lead the way down the driveway. He pulls out a key and unlocks the door with a solid click.

His house was fancy and huge compared to mine. The entryway was about the size of my entire bedroom. There was a big spiral staircase leading to an upstairs and large hallways that looked like they would swallow me up.

He sighs and leads me through a living room and past several closed doors before reaching a door next to a sparkling kitchen. He opens it to reveal another staircase. He motions for me to descend so I do. He closes the door behind him and we are plunged into darkness. I fumble on the stairs until a hand finds mine and directs it to the guide rail. I follow it down the stairs and into another large room. Gerard clicks on a light and the first thing I see is a massive piano with a cushioned bench.


You like? It was my grandmothers piano, now it's mine.

I-it's amazing.

Thanks. Come with me.

He grabs my hand and pulls me through a hallway and to a door that has caution tape across it. He opens the door and I see what must be his bedroom.

Theres posters all over the walls, crooked and dangling by single tacks and sticky tape. Faces of famous singers and guitarists peer down at me. I see Freddie Mercury over by the bed.

The bed is a large queen with black sheets and a large quilt bundled up at the foot. Walking further into the room I can see the quilt is made up of the logos of old band tshirts. I notice that there is a disproportionate amount of Iron Maiden ones.

T-this is awesome. Y-you really live h-here?

Yep. Now tell me about why Jamia and Brendon beat you up and pick on you all the time.


Yeah. Tell me everything.

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