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The next week goes by fast and I look at the calendar in Gerards room, finding out that prom was in a month and graduation was a week after that. I groan.

What's wrong?

J-just realized that p-prom is coming up.

Oh what a shame. I wish I has someone to go with.

Gerard says to me teasingly. He sticks his tongue out at me to make a point.

Heres a-an idea.

Oh do tell.

He wraps his arms around me and pulls me down on top of him. We're in his room. I've been spending the last couple of nights here, not wanting my mom to see my bruises and ask about them. I laugh and tickle his sides.

W-what if you a-and I g-go to prom t-together?

Butterflies fly through my stomach as I wait for his answer.


He drags on the humming, exaggerating it.

I'm not sure. I mean were not even dating yet.

D-date me t-too.

I blush and hide my face in his neck, giving it a peck while I was there. He squirms under me and grabs my face, pulling it into his view.

Yes and yes. I'll go to prom AND date you Frankie.


I kiss him hard on the mouth and he kisses me back. Our mouths move together but my mind wanders to graduation. What would we do after that. My stomach lurches and I break away from the kiss.

Something else wrong?


What is it? You can tell me anything.


Gerards face scrunches and he nods.

I've been thinking about that too. Do you want to stay together after?

O-of course!

Good. I do too.

He gently pushes me off from on top of him and retrieves his laptop from his desk and sets it on his lap.

What do you want to go to school for Frankie?

M-music therapy.

That's really cool.

W-what about you?

I want to go to an art school in New York. I have a portfolio and have taken some high level art classes.  I've even applied..

My heart sinks.


Gerard notices and lifts up my chin so our eyes are even with each other.

Even if we dont go to the same school we can still be near each other. I dont know how you feel about it but theres a lot of schools in New York that are all near each other.

Let's ch-check them out.

Gerard and I spend the weekend looking at schools and I apply to three of them that are 20-60 minutes away from the art school Gerard applied to.

When Monday comes I'm ready to go back to school and face whatever Jamia and Brendon have to shove in our faces. Gerard was ready too.

We board the bus and Jamia glares at us, she makes her usual homophobic comments but Gerard and I both give her the middle finger and sit down laughing.

I sit through the usual classes and go outside with Gerard for lunch. He has his sketchbook as usual and shows me his sketches for a new project he was working on, a comic book. I giggle as I see the main character looks like me but with a lot of tattoos and cooler dyed hair.

Suddenly the doors to the cafeteria swing open and shouting can be heard. Its Jamia and another girl, I think her name is Amy Lee.

"I'm sick of you picking on them Jamia? What's so wrong with being gay? Fuck you're a little gay."

"Shut up Amy. I'm not gay."

"Then why do you like it when I kiss you?"

"I...I... i'm not..."

"Come here."

Amy pulls Jamia into her arms and starts to kiss her face until their lips meet. Gerard and I exchange surprised looks. Jamia isnt straight? AND shes cheating on Brendon? Holy shit.

Then Gerard accidentally drops his lighter and it thuds on the ground startling Jamia who looks at us in horror.

"Oh fuck! It's you! No this cant be happening. God fucking dammit."

"Jamia baby it's okay. They can help."

Jamia sniffles and looks back at us.

"Can you help me?"

I exchange another look with Gerard. He shrugs and looks at her.

Help you with what?

"Breaking up with Brendon. And telling everyone I'm not straight."

"And saying you're sorry." Amy pipes in.

"Yeah that too."

Gerard takes a cigarette out of the pack he keeps in his backpack and lights it. He takes a long drag before talking.

Apologize first and then we'll see.

"I'm sorry I bullied you."

Gerard chuckles and takes another drag. He told me a few days ago that he only smokes when he gets stressed out, but that he likes playing with his lighter.

I dont want you to apologize to me. Apologize to Frank and how you've treated him for all these years.

She turns to me and takes a deep breath.

"I'm sorry Frank."

That isnt very convincing. What are you sorry for?

G-gerard its o-okay.

"I'm sorry for ruining your life and outing you and bullying you. It was pathetic of me to ruin your life because you made me a little embarrassed."

She holds out her hand to me.

That's better. Frankie? Do you accept her apology?

He leans into my ear and I can smell the cigarette smoke as he whispers.

You can say no.

I grit my teeth and reach out my hand to Jamia. Ready for all of this to be over. I shake her hand and Gerard does the same. Jamia and Amy sit down next to us and we start forming a plan.

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