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I wake up the next morning and smile, remembering the words Gerard and I had exchanged last night. I almost cry out of happiness. He loves me, he really does, and I love him too. There's no one else who's ever made me feel this way, except maybe my mom, but that's different.

I roll out of bed and pull on one of Gerard's t-shirts that he had left at my house from one of the nights he stayed over. Foo Fighters. I grin remembering the cute song by them called Everlong that I wanted to get them to play at prom so he and I could slow dance.

I happily march to the bus and crash into the our seat, knocking shoulders with Gerard. He beams at me and I give him a peck on the cheek. Jamia sits in the row beside us and rolls her eyes pretending to be offended. I was so glad she was my friend again, I never really knew how much I missed having people to care about, and having people who cared about me.

I sit through my first couple of classes and skip to lunch where I head outside to meet my friends. Gerard puts his arm around me and I look deeply into his eyes, blushing at the thoughts that were racing into my head. He loves me.

"So it's agreed then?"

Amy's voice brings me out of my head and I focus back on the conversation. We were talking about who was driving us to prom and where we were having a small after party.

My mom said she'd love to host the after party, she even said my dad agreed to cook us some party snacks.

W-woah really?

Yeah, isn't that great Frankie.

Gerard tousles my hair and plants a kiss on my forehead.

Th-that's awesome Gee.

I blush, trying out the new nickname I made up for Gerard. Since he had taken up calling me Frankie I figured I would come up with a special name to call him too.

Gee? Hmm. I like it.

"I guess I can drive, my dad already said I could have the car for the night. He also gave me the sex talk. He said 'you know what happens on prom night'."

Jamia says and looks at Gerard and I and retrieves something from her backpack and throws it in our direction. It hits Gerard in the chest and I can see what it is.

A-A condom? R-really Jamia?

"Hey thank my dad. He was the one who gave it to me. Besides, I think you might be needing it more than we will."

She leans over and gives Amy a small kiss. Gerard laughs but I see him slip the condom into his secret pocket of his bag, the same one he keeps his lighter and cigarettes in. I blush deeply and bury my head into his neck. Gerard and I discuss what kind of apartment we want to live in in New York while Jamia and Amy makeout.

So I'm thinking of a studio, maybe with those big industrial windows to let in all that natural light, I think it would be-

"Gerard. Fucking. Way."

A voice echoes across the courtyard and I look up to see Brendon Urie quickly approaching us. He grabs me by the collar of my shirt and throws me out of Gerard's arms.


Gerard rises to his feet and stands tall in front of Brendon.

"You made me look like a fucking fool in front of the entire cafeteria yesterday. Now I'm going to make sure you don't ever do it again."

I gasp as I see him pull out a handgun from the waistband of his jeans and aim it at Gerard's chest.


I use my small size to my advantage and am able to squeeze myself between Gerard and the gun. I'm so short that I can look down the barrel.

"This is not your fight Iero."

Yes it is. I won't let you hurt him.

My voice comes out strong and I don't stutter. Jamia and Amy have now realized what was happening and they stand there frozen, staring at the metal death machine in Brendons trembling hands. I look up at his face and see that he's crying now, his eyes and face are bruised black and blue.

Don't do this.

"Don't you understand!? I have to."

I don't completely understand what happens next. I rush forward and wrap my fingers around the gun trying to pull it from Brendons hands but his grip tightens. I feel his fingers as they squeeze the trigger and there's a bang.

I don't feel the pain until I hit the ground. Then its everywhere. It feels like my chest is on fire. Maybe it was. I can't hear anything but the ringing in my ears.

Then there's another bang. I scream not knowing who else got shot. I must have gotten shot right? That's what this burning in my chest was? I feel tears leaking from my eyes and there's a sudden pressure on my lungs. I try to see what was on top of me but my vision is blurry. All I can make out is a pale face and dark hair. Gerard? or Jamia? or Amy? I couldn't tell. I hear a muffled voice but can't understand any of the words. I can't describe the pain.

You know how in the movies everything goes black? It doesn't. At least not for me. I see white.

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