Chapter 1: Meeting her...

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A/N: hi thanks for checking out my story. Don't be a silent reader leave a comment, and I hope you enjoy I'll try to update it everyday x

Lenas pov
I was on my usual way to L-Corp on my bike. Man I love my bike it's really fast so I usually only ride it when I'm late for something, like today. I was running behind schedule by about a hour.

I was minding my own business when suddenly something causes the wheel of my bike to stop causing the bike to skid and me to go flying over the front. I could feel a little bit of pain on my leg but I think it's just a graze... hopefully nothing serious. I thought to myself.

"Hello Miss Luthor"
I heard a strange voice behind me and that's when I felt a thick head of metal held behind my head which I'm assuming is a gun. Shit. My brother must have sent him... this is the 2nd attempt on my life so far. I just need to try to get the gun away from him...

Which I never had a chance to do because I felt the gun being pulled away from my head and I heard the man grunt as he hit the floor... that's when I turned around to see... her. Wow. She's even better looking in person. So strong looking and... omg those legs. Her legs look so buff next to that short skirt. I thought to myself.

Next thing I knew the whole surrounding area was swarmed with agents in black uniforms... and supergirl was heading towards me while I'm sitting on the floor staring at her like an idiot.

She held out her hand for me to take, which I did. No hesitation. I grabbed her hand, which might I add was really soft. As I touched her hand a felt a tingling sensation where our skin touched. Wow that was... um.... weird. I've never felt that before. With anyone. I thought.

"Are you ok Miss Luthor?" Asked the super with concern in her voice.

"Yes, yes I'm fine just a scratch I think" I replied.

I dusted my clothes trying to compose myself in front of the girl. I looked up to see her watching me, our eyes met. She has the bluest eyes I've ever seen. Like small diamonds. My eyes wondered down to her lips. Oh my god. I wonder what it would be like to kiss those lips. I thought to myself. Her lips look so soft. I brought my eyes back up to hers as she started walking closer to me.

"Are you sure you're alright Miss Luthor?" The super asked again. Stopping at a reasonable distance.

"Yes I'm sure I'm ok I must be heading to work now. I was already late."

"Oh... um... ok" the super sounded a bit disappointed but I dismissed the thought.

I walked over to my bike and tried to lift it up as it suddenly became weightless as supergirl lifted it for me.

"Thanks supergirl... for you know. Saving my life"

"No problem Miss Luthor. Have a good day"

"You too"

She smiled at me which I returned.

And with that the super shot up into the sky leaving me to stare at a red and blue streak in the sky.

I hopped onto my bike and headed to L-Corp again.


It was coming up towards 11:30 at night. I usually stay longer to work but today had been really eventful after nearly getting killed and then the 6 meetings I had to attend full of snobby, rich and arrogant old men. I thought it best to head home.

Most people in the building had gone home by then so I didn't need to say any goodbyes to anyone, I hopped on my bike which was waiting for me in the outside parking lot. I revved the engine and headed towards my penthouse which wasn't very far from L-Corp.


I pushed my key in the lock and opened and closed my door behind me.

I walked over to my room placing my bags in the walk in wardrobe while I picked out a lazy outfit to sleep in.

After a couple minutes of looking I settled on a pair of grey joggers and a white crop top.

I wasn't really tired yet so I sat in the couch in my living room and turned on the news. The first thing I saw was a live report of supergirl fighting some red looking robot called bizzaro. Wow. She's so brave. I thought to myself.

Suddenly I heard a whoosh outside my window. I looked over to the balcony door to see a red streak followed by a red and blue streak heading to the roof. Well it would seem supergirl is fighting that robot on the roof of the building. I turned to look at the live report on the news and I was right I could see her using her heat vision on the robot and screaming. Which I could also very clearly hear. I wonder what it would be like to hear her screaming my name... I thought to myself.

I saw on the tv that supergirl had defeated the robot and was now on her knees on the floor. She looked very tired.

I turned the tv off and got up off of the couch and headed to the kitchen to pour myself a glass of red wine. Until I suddenly heard a large thud coming from my balcony.

I have to admit I did jump a little. I turned around slowly and cautiously headed towards the balcony door. I could see a very rough looking supergirl lying flat on her back. She must have fallen from the roof which isn't really that high up considering I have the top floor penthouse.

I ran over to the super and helped her up.

"Oh hello Miss Luthor I didn't know you lived here..." she said almost a whisper but just audible for me to hear. She looked so fragile.

"Yes supergirl. It's nice seeing you again. May I ask what's wrong with you? You're bleeding slightly" I said noticing the small amount of blood on her head. Which I hoped wasn't her's but I had a strong feeling it was.

"Yes... it's solar flare. I just need to rest I'll be ok soon" said the super. Again really quiet. I had no idea what this solar flare thing was but I don't think it's good.

I wrapped my arms under the supers legs and lifted her inside my apartment and onto the couch.

"Right... what is a solar flare exactly?" I asked curiously.

"Oh... I loose my powers for a while usually 1-2 days. It happens when I use my heat vision too much like I just did before trying to stop that stupid robot thingy.  I should get home and sleep" she said nearly sleeping. I decided it's not right for her to go home like this she's really tired and it will do no harm if I let her sleep here.

"No supergirl. I'm not letting you go home like this, you just stay here and sleep" I said as I suddenly realised she was already asleep.

I smirked at her. She looked so cute, just lying there yet so vulnerable. I wonder... how could the super sleep knowing she's inside a Luthors house. Surely she's scared i mean she's practically human right now. That must mean she has a slight ounce of trust for me, but how? I mean we just met each other today.

I hear her softly start to snore as I realise I've been staring at her for about 10 minutes. Thank god she's not awake or that would have been awkward.

I walk over to my room and go into my walk in wardrobe and pull out a spare blanket.

I walk over to the sleeping super and place the blanket over her admiring her once again. She really does look so peaceful.

"Goodnight supergirl" I say quietly as I walk over to my room and lie in my bed, drifting off to sleep.

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