Chapter 14: Wheres lena?

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Karas pov
I was pacing back and forth in the deo when suddenly Winn shouted at everyone.

"Guys the news you have to watch this" he said making the news appear on the big screen in front of us.

"Lillian Luthor has escaped from prison and armed officers are on a man hunt searching national city for the criminal. She is expected to be extremely armed and dangerous"

My heart sunk and I was suddenly overwhelmed with anger I snapped one of the computer monitors.

"Whoa, kar calm down we'll find her" said Alex trying to get me to calm down but I couldn't.

"She has my baby! What if she hurts her? What if she does something to the twins!" I shouted.

Everyone just started at me which made me even more annoyed.


They all immediately went back to work.

"I'm going to fly around the world till I find her-" I was cut off my Winn

"I found a kryptonite signature in an abandoned wear-house downtown"

Suddenly my eyes filled with hope, I was about to fly off until Alex grabbed my arm.

"Kara there's kryptonite" I just shrugged.

"She has my baby!" I flew out the deo and to my mothers house.

"Mom! Mom! I need help" I stared sobbing.

"Kara baby? What's wrong?" She said running up to me and hugging me.

"I need help... l-lenas mom l-Lillian t-took lena and she's going to hurt her please help me"

She nodded and went to change into something else to hide her identity.

She returned in a pair of black pants and a long red top with out family's coat of arms on the chest plate.

We flew off and looked for lena together.

Lenas pov
I felt the serum wearing off as I could now talk gain.

"Why are you doing this mother? Please let me go!" I shouted trying not to cry because I wouldn't dare show weakness in front of her.

"Because dear, I need those twinnys of yours." She said with a smug look on her face.

My heart sank. She was going to kill the twins.

Suddenly there was a sharp pain in my arm as I realised she injected me with something.

"W-what was that?" I prayed that it wasn't anything to harm the babies.

"It was more of the temporary paralysis serum dear" she said as she reached over to the table and picked up a scalpel.

I couldn't talk, or move. I felt completely useless she was going to cut my babies out of me and I couldn't do anything about it.

I wanted Kara. Or someone to help me!

I felt a sharp pain in my lower stomach as she started cutting, I couldn't bare the pain I felt a tear fall from my eye.

"Now dear don't cry. It's your own fault for allowing the kryptonian to im pregnant you"

I passed out from the amount of blood loss as everything went dark.

Karas pov
I flew in the opposite direction to my mom in order to find lena faster.

I lost all hope I couldn't find her anywhere I went around the whole city, I remembered Winn saying about a wearhouse that had a kryptonite signature so I checked it out.

It was lined with lead so I used my super hearing to listen to lenas heartbeat. I could hear it! I could recognise that rhythm anywhere.

I crashed through the wall of the building and I felt the kryptonite. There was only a little bit so it only weakened me a little.

I looked around the room and saw lena tied to a table with a giant stitch across her stomach, my heart sunk in my chest, I saw the giant pool of blood under her.

"K-Kara?" I heard lena say. So quietly I could only hear with my super hearing.

"Yes baby? I'm here. I've got you" I ran over to her and untied her as she sat up and sobbed into my shoulder. I picked her up and flew her to the deo.

"Alex help!" I shouted as lena passed out in my hands from the blood loss.

I took lena to the med bay where Alex told me to wait outside. I just wanted them to help her quick so I did.


It had been 2 hours since I brought lena in and Alex was still working with her in the room.

I turned my head up to see Alex walk out the door, I immediately got up and ran to her. I saw she had been crying.

"A-Alex? What happened is lena ok? Are the babies ok?" I said. I already knew my answer about the twins because of the cut across her stomach but I didn't want to be right.

"Kara... um... it would seem that Lillian.... um she c-cut the babies out of lena" she said while crying.

My knees felt weak I fell to my knees on the floor. I didn't cry. I didn't show any emotion I knew I had to be strong for lena. But we had lost our children. They had been taken from us. Alex noticed me not showing any emotion and just hugged me.

I didn't know what to feel I was feeling so may emotions all at once. Sadness, our babies were gone. Anger, at Lillian for taking them and disgust at her because how could someone do that. She had to be a psychopath which she most definitely was.

I got up off the floor and walked emotionless to the room lena was in, she was awake and watched me walk to her side.

"Kara.... I-I'm sorr-" I cut her apology off.

"Don't you dare apologise. It wasn't your fault." I said almost breaking.

She leaned over and hugged me breaking down in my arms. I hugged her back and finally started to cry.

We just stayed like that for ages, time passed us like it was nothing as we allowed ourselves to grieve the loss of our children.

We were only two months from the due date for raos sake!

Alex burst through the doors, "Kara we found lillian"

I shot up and super sped away from lena and went downstairs to the main floor of the deo where the agents brought Lillian. She was smirking at me.

"Well hello supergirl fancy seeing you here" she said with a smug smile.

I ran up to her and punched her in the face.

"Now that wasn't very nice of you" she said while spitting out blood.

I went to punch her again but stopped when I heard what she had to say next.

"Kill me and you'll never see your babies again."

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