Chapter 19: Wedding Ending

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Lenas pov
I was woken up by Jess shaking me awake, she stayed at my apartment last night along with sam and ruby because they all demanded that they help me get ready for the wedding which I didn't object to.

I was so nervous I felt like I was going to throw up, I was currently letting sam do my hair while Jess was doing my make up.

I looked over to the clock noticing that I only had 2 hours till I would be walking down the isle with Kara.

Karas pov
"Alex I'm so nervous I can't do it I can't I'm going to explode"

"Kara Kara look at me... you love lena. Yes you might be nervous right now but it will pass trust me I know. On my wedding day do you remember I nearly didn't go to the church because I felt like I couldn't do it but you can kara ok. Now quit being a nervous wreck so we can get you ready for your big day!" I smiled and nodded to her and we started doing my hair and make up.

I was still really nervous but I love her and I can't wait too see her and spend the rest of my life with her.

I left the twins with the babysitter Jessica because babies and weddings don't mix they'll just cry all the time. Eliza said she'd look after them while we're on our honeymoon.


I arrived at the wedding venue which is basically the beach Eliza grabbed my arm and started walking me down the isle I could see everyone I invited, I could see Barry and iris and Oliver and felicity I could also see Sara and nyssa.

The music started playing and I walked down the isle stopping next to the Priest.

The next music started playing indicating it was lenas time to walk down I turned to see the most beautiful woman I've ever seen in my life she was wearing the most beautiful wedding dress.

The next music started playing indicating it was lenas time to walk down I turned to see the most beautiful woman I've ever seen in my life she was wearing the most beautiful wedding dress

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Lenas ^

Karas ^

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Karas ^

She started walking down the isle smiling at me I smiled back, trying not to cry because of how beautiful she looked.

"Kara don't you dare cry because I'll start crying" she whispered as she stood next to me.

I just giggled at her and turned to the priest.

"We are gathered her today to witness the wedding of Kara Danvers and Lena Kieran Luthor, now I believe you both have your own wedding vows"

"Kara Danvers from the moment I laid eyes on you I knew you were the one. I knew I would spend the rest of my life with you, I knew you'd be the one receiving all my love. You taught me that my surname doesn't matter and that I deserve to be loved. You taught me to be adventurous and spontaneous. Because of you I laugh, I smile you are my reason for waking up everyday and with that I promise to you that you will always be the love of my life, my soulmate because I love you soo much"  said lena, I started crying because that's the most beautiful thing anyone's ever said to me.

"Lena Kieran Luthor, I love you with all my heart. And I'm in awe that we found each other out of all the planets I could have landed on my mother chose to send me here on the same planet as you, and amongst the billions of people on this planet I managed to meet you, to be best friends with you, to fall in love with you and I couldn't be any happier than I am in this moment. I hope to wake up to you every morning to kiss you everyday just to be around you because you are a literal goddess and I still can't believe your mine. Because you are also my soulmate and I love you with all my heart." I said while trying not to cry again. I looked into lenas eyes which were flooded with tears and I giggled.

We both turned back to the priest which was also crying.

"Do you Kara Danvers take Lena Kieran Luthor to be your lawful wedded wife?"

"I do" I said while holding lenas hand.

"And do you Lena Kieran Luthor take Kara Danvers to be your lawful wedded wife?"

"I defiantly do" said lena.

We slid the rings on each others fingers and smiled at each other.

"I now pronounce you both Mrs Danvers Luthor, you may both kiss the bride"

I didn't waste anytime I pulled lena into the most passionate kiss I've been waiting to give her since I first saw her at the top of the isle. I could hear everyone cheering, as we both walked hand in hand back up the isle.

The end

A/N this is the last chapter guys thanks for reading. I did want to carry it on longer but I feel it would be dragging the story along so imma just leave it here on this happy ending xoxo

-Toni x

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