Chapter 4: Feelings...

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Karas pov
*2weeks later*
Lena and I have been hanging out almost everyday, only in her apartment or her house because as much as I would like to go out in public it's probably not the best idea because she still doesn't know my real identity. I'd have to hang out with her in my supergirl suit and it would just make unnecessary attention.

It's not that I don't trust her... I do but Alex doesn't want me to tell lena. But I might do it anyways because I'm starting to develop feelings... towards her. Like not friendship kinda feelings. I think she feels the same way because we flirt like all the time. It's kinda funny actually.

I land on her balcony of her apartment and tap on the glass as I see her sitting on the couch.

"Hi supergirl" she says as she invites me in.

"Hey Lena soo, I brought food!" I walk in her apartment and sit on the couch and get out the Chinese food.

"Ooo what did you get? Let me guess... potstickers?" she smirks.

"I mean of course, what else would I eat"

"Me" she says under her breath. I think she was hoping I wouldn't hear her, I could feel the heat rush to my face.

I scoot closer to her and whisper in her ear "Now lena, I do have super hearing" I lean back and laugh at her looking all flustered.

"Ha. Ha. Ha. Very funny. But I don't know what your talking about" I shove her very lightly on the arm laughing at her.

*ring. Ring. Ring*

I get my phone out from the back of my golden belt wrapped around my skirt and look at the caller ID.

"Shoot it's Alex I need to answer it sorry lena"

"It's fine" she nods for me to answer

"Hey Alex"
"Hi kar, just checking if your going to actually you know do your job at the deo, you have paper work to do!"
"Sorry jeez, I'll do it tomorrow. I'm hanging with lena right now"
"Ooo, hows the sex?"
"Alex! Shut up! Omr!"
"Yeah, yeah, whatever. We all know you like her"
"Maybe I do. So what. It's not like anything could happen anyways"
"Mhmm ok kar, sure. Anyways I have to get back to work so I'll cya tomorrow"
"Right bye Alex"
"Love ya"
"Love you too, byeee"

I hang up the phone and sit back down next to lena.

"Do you have to go?" She asks

"No she was just telling me that I have paperwork to do. But I'll just do it tomorrow" I reply.

"Oh ok! Good, I don't want you to leave yet"

I smile and blush at the same time. I see lena giggle at the fact I'm blushing. She's so cute.

"Anyone ever tell you you're cute when your all flustered" she says while winking.

I feel my heart begin to beat faster, thank rao lena doesn't have super hearing or she might be able to hear it. I look into her eyes, oh rao, those kryptonite eyes. I can feel them weakening me already, even though I know they aren't actual kryptonite, it's just every time I look into her eyes I feel my legs turn into jello.

I realise lena is now staring at my lips, so I decide to break the silence.

"N-no actually. B-but thanks?" Rao the things this girl does to me.

"So wanna watch a movie?" She gets up and grabs the remote off the coffee table in front of us.

"Sure, only if you let me pick"

"Fine" she rolls her eyes while handing me the remote.

I chuckle at her actions. And scroll through the list of movies deciding to put my all time favourite movie on.

"Wizard of oZ my favourite!"

Half way through the movie I see lena shuffling closer to me, she puts her head on my shoulder. I feel butterflies in my stomach.

I bite my lip trying to suppress a smile as I feel her head lift off my shoulder. I groan from the loss of contact, but suddenly feel a finger under my chin moving my head to the side so I'm face to face with lena.

I stare into her piercing green eyes as she stares into mine. Our faces inches away from each other, she leans in closing the gap between us as I'm met with the softest lips on my own. She kisses me and I kiss back, I bite her bottom lip causing her to let out a quiet noise.

I run my tongue along her lips asking for entrance which causes her to part her lips. I slide my tongue into her mouth exploring every inch.

Soon enough air is needed so we both break the kiss. We press out for heads together and smile at each other.

"That was..... wow" is all lena could say.

I giggle at her. Although my head is full of questions as to what just happened, Does she like me? Do I want this? What is this exactly?


"Yes baby"

I blush at the nickname she just called me

"W-what is this?" I ask as she backs away from me and looks at me confused

"I-I mean what are we?" I ask again trying not to confuse her.

"Well... I like you, a lot." She states

"I like you a lot too" I suddenly realise... I'm going to have to tell her who I am... who I really am. I mean I don't know why I'm worrying she hasn't met Kara Danvers yet.

"So Supergirl... would you like to be my girlfriend?" I smile at her and lean in placing a quick kiss on her lips.

I pull away and smile. "Yes lena I would love too. B-but..."

Her smile fades into a concerted expression "but...?"

"But i should tell you who I am first..."

She smiles at me again looking excited. I sigh and walk towards the balcony.

"Wait supergirl where are you going?"

"I'll be back I just need to get something"

I wave goodbye to her as I fly back to my apartment which isn't that far away. I get a bag and pick out a outfit. I get some skinny jeans a white polo and a grey jumper, I also remember to place my glasses inside the bag.

I fly back to lenas penthouse and walk through her balcony door.

"Hey, what's in the bag?"

"Um... my normal clothes... like the ones I wear when I'm not in the suit"

"Ok you can change in the bedroom or here if you want" she winks at me.

I blush slightly and walk towards the bedroom. I use super speed to get dressed and look in the mirror.

I don't put my glasses on yet, instead I carry them in my hand and walk out the bedroom to see lena standing outside waiting for me.

I clear my throat to tell her I'm here and she turns around. I place the glasses on my face and walk over to her.

"Yeah so this is me... hi I'm Kara Danvers, Cat Grants assistant" I say while waving at her.

She looks a little shocked so I grab both of her hands. "Are you sure you still want me to be your girlfriend?"

"Yes sup- Kara. Thank you for trusting me with this, I promise I won't tell anyone" she wraps her arms around my neck and hugs me.

"I didn't expect you to look so dorky" I giggle at her.

"Yeah, well I guess I am kinda dorky huh?"

"Very" she leans into me and kisses me on the lips. I lean closer to deepen the kiss as she tangles her fingers in my hair.

I feel lena place small kisses down my neck finding my pulse point and sucking it. This causes me to let out a quiet moan.

"K-Kara. That's hot"

I grin at her and grab both of her legs and place them around my waist and carry her to her bedroom.

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