Chapter 15: Alive or Dead?

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Lenas pov
I just sat in the bed in the med bay when I heard Kara shouting.

I walked out and leaned over the balcony I looked down to see my mother with handcuffs. I'm glad they finally caught her but I'm very pissed off, she took my babies away from me and now there dead.

I saw Kara super speed towards her and hold her by the collar, I shouldn't let her hurt her, even if she did kill our babies Kara would go mental with the guilt. She's never killed anyone before.

"Kara don't kill her!" I shouted.

Kara looked up to me and her face softened she let go of Lillian and the guards grabbed a hold of her again.

"I swear to god Lillian! What did you do with them? Are they alive?" I was both confused and intrigued.

"Oh yes they are alive but you'll never find them. And I have people ready to inject them with something deadly if you don't release me in the next 24 hours" said lillian.

Could they really be alive? I looked at Kara and I realised I was starting to cry she supersped towards me and hugged me not to tightly. I melted in her arms and we both cried, we had hope.

"I'll find them." She said as a fact.

"Go" I said to her and she sped out of the deo.

"Come on lena please lay back down you need to rest your stitches could tear" said Alex. I looked down at lillian and she smirked, I scoffed and walked into my room.

Karas pov
I flew around the whole city listening for their hear beats. I could recognise them anywhere from the countless times I lay awake in bed just listening to them in lenas stomach.

I couldn't find them anywhere in national city, I decided I should look in other places so I flew around just listening and occasionally using my x-ray vision.

I took a while before I realised where I was, I was in kaznia. I could see all the people walking around below me, then I flew across this base like thing.

I didn't know what it was so I went to check it out, that's when I heard it. The faint cry of a new born. I didn't want to get my hopes up so I listened and that's when I heard them. Those familiar heart beats and they were crying.

I flew around the base listening and using my x-ray vision, I came across a section of the base I couldn't see that meant it was lined with lead.

I punched through the wall until I reached the other side, I looked around the small room and saw 2 tiny babies sitting in what looks like an incubator, as they were too small to be born yet.

I carefully picked up the incubator trying not to be noticed by the men guarding the door as they didn't hear me come in.

I held the incubator with both hands and flew out as quickly and as carefully as I could.

I landed in the middle of the street just to make sure they were ok.

"It's ok sweethearts mommy's got you. Your safe now. I won't let anyone hurt you" I was too busy looking at my beautiful kids to notice a bunch of people with cameras pointed at me.

"Supergirl what's with the babies?" Someone shouted.

I decided to ignore them because of anyone knew I had kids they would immediately know I had a weakness and would try to hurt them.

I grabbed the incubator and flew back to the deo.

Lenas pov
Kara hadn't called with any news as to the were abouts of our babies which only made me worry more.

"Lena come quick!" I heard Alex shout.

I ran out my room and down the stairs to see a bunch of agents staring at a screen, I shoved them out the way and looked at the news report.

It was a picture of Kara holding a glass box it looked like an incubator.

"Supergirl spotted just outside kaznia with what appears to be 2 small babies in an incubator. Which has left us wondering... who are these babies? And is supergirl a mother? There have been no sightings of lena luthor for the past couple of months which makes more and more sense if they were hiding the pregnancy"

I went pale, people knew about the twins, and about Kara being a mother. People who hate supergirl her enemies. They could hurt the twins.

Suddenly there was a large thump behind me. It was Kara holding the glass box.

I ran over to her and hugged her tightly and looked at our babies. They were so small, so fragile.

I started crying sadness and happiness at the same time.

"Are they ok?" I asked Kara.

"They look fine and their hearts are beating normally I even x-rayed them just to make sure and they seem fine but I need Alex to have a look just to be sure" she replied.

I started crying more now. This is my fault if my stupid mother hadn't.... they never would have been taken.

"Lee what's wrong your crying" asked Kara.

"N-nothing I-it's just they shouldn't have been taken from me yet. I still had two months. There too small there lungs probably aren't developed properly. It's my fault Kara I-I'm s-s-sorry" I said while crying.

She wrapped her arms around me and held me close.

"Lee it's not your fault so don't apologies. Now let's let Alex have a look at them and you come with me I need to ask you something" said Kara.

I nodded for Alex to take them. She carried the small box upstairs and into the med bay while I followed Kara into the training room. I watched her pace back and forth nervously.

"Kara? What's up? Your worrying me" I said.

She looked up and her eyes met mine.

"I love you soo much, I've been wanting to ask you this for a while but I never found the right moment. Your brilliant and beautiful, smart and kind. Your also kinda a dork, and I want you to be my dork, forever because I love every inch of you. Every cell in my body loves you lena so..."

She said while getting down on one knee and pulling out a small box. I gasped as she opened the small velvet box which had a small ring inside with a diamond in the middle.

"Lena Kieran Luthor.... will you marry me?" She asked.

I stood there in shock. Was I ready to get married? I mean... I do love Kara but we've only been together for about 10 months. I got pregnant by accident... don't get me wrong it was a brilliant accident but I don't know if I'm ready to get married....

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