Chapter 3: Friendship?

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Karas pov
The elevator doors opened as I ran to cats office. She was sitting at her desk with her arms crossed looking very angry.

"Keira! Where the hell have you been? Your 4 hours late now!" She shouted as I walked through the door.

"S-sorry m-miss Grant I-I um... had some family issues" I said trying not to sound nervous. I noticed that she hadn't replied.

"I really am s-sorry Miss Grant, it won't happen again... please don't fire me"

"Oh Keira! I'm not going to fire you! You're a great assistant and you've never been late before just........ MAKE SURE IT DOESN'T HAPPEN AGAIN!! Now order me some lunch I want any salad as long as it has a burger on top."

I flinched as she shouted at me.  She never usually shouts at me so she must be in a really pissy mood. "Y-yes Miss Grant"

I walk out of her office and sit at my desk and order her lunch. I see Winn walking over to my desk.

"Hey kar, how'd it go? Did she fire you?" said Winn

"Nope. She did yell at me though but I guess I kinda deserve that" I replied smiling at him.


After work I head back home which I had to walk to since I'm still solar flared.

I arrive at my apartment and sit on the couch when one person pops into my mind. Lena.

I wish I could go around to L-Corp but I don't have my powers so I'd have to walk through the front which would look a little weird. So I best not. I'll just go see her when I get my powers back.

Lenas pov
As I'm sitting back at my desk filling out spread sheets and sorting through paper work, I think back to when supergirl said she had to go to work. I would have thought being national city's superhero would have payed well enough.

I'm surprised she has a normal job like everyone else. I'm assuming it's a normal job anyways, because she couldn't have been doing supergirl work when she doesn't have her powers at the moment. It's weird to think to her doing a normal human job. I wonder what her life is like. Keeping her identity secret and all, people don't get to see much of her personal life. What does she dress like? Grungy? Cute? Summery? Does she have a family? What is her job? Where does she live? I thought to myself.

*the next day (Friday)*

I decided to drive to my house for the weekend instead of my penthouse. I have another house it's a two story, two bedroom family house. Even though I don't really have a family, I turned the second bedroom into a guest room.

As I was driving a see a caped figure, we'll a shadow figure flying above me. Supergirl I thought to myself. She must have gotten her powers back.

I pull up to my house on a private street. I only have one neighbour who doesn't really speak much.

I park my car in the drive and head into the house. I place my groceries on the kitchen counter, I had gone shopping a couple of hours ago as I usually don't keep food in this house. Because I rarely come up here.

I finish putting my groceries away as I hear a quiet knock coming from the balcony. (I live on a cliff side so I have a small balcony on the first floor). I look through the doors and see supergirl waving. I run to the door and open it. Inviting her in.

"Hi sorry to drop in like this. Just wanted to see how you were doing" said the super who stood awkwardly in the hallway.

I motioned for her to sit on the couch when we got to the living room. "Yes, I'm good. I see you got your powers back, that's good"

"Yep, I'm glad. I was getting tired of walking everywhere" I chuckled at the blondes remark.

"Don't you have a car?" I ask while still laughing.

"Nope. I usually fly everywhere" she giggles

Oh wow her giggle is so cute.

"So supergirl... since I told you a lot about me when you were at my apartment, why don't you tell me about yourself"

"O-oh lena I-I don't know I don't want to reveal things about my life... your pretty smart you might try to find out who I am" she says sarcastically indicating to me that she doesn't actually mean it.

I wouldn't try to track her down. I respect people's privacy a lot.

"I wouldn't do that. Come on I just want to get to know you better, hey maybe we can be friends or something" that was risky! I think I may be coming on too strong. I mean it's pretty obvious I have a tiny crush on her. It's not like I could ask her out anyways. Ha! A super and a luthor, that's a big joke.

"Well ok... as long as you promise not to pry into anything"

"I would never. So how about I ask you questions and you can say if you don't want to answer them. Sound good?"

"O-ok I guess" she said stuttering. It's weird to see this side of the super. I mean she's usually so confidant.

"So do you live here in the city?"

"Yes, I have a small apartment but I can't tell you where" she smiles. I smile back and nod at her.

"Ok that's fine. So you said you had a job? What do you do?"

She hesitates. I think she's thinking about answering that or not, I mean it's not like I could track her down by her job. There are lots of jobs in national city and a lot of the same jobs.

"I-I'm a assistant. But I'm not going to say where"

"Wow that's interesting. I wouldn't have pictured you as an assistant. Um... do you have a family? And also do you have a boyfriend or girlfriend?"

I look over at her trying to hide the blush on my cheek. God I hope she's single, and gay! Omg please be gay!

She smirks a bit "I do have a family. Obviously not kryptonian. There actually my adoptive family. I have a mother and a sister. And no um... I don't have a boyfriend or girlfriend" she says while looking at me.

I blush. Ok I'm going to ask what her sexuality is.

"Thanks nice to hear. So I hope you don't think I'm being too personal here but if you don't mind me asking... what is your sexuality? It's ok if you don't want to answer-" I was cut off by the super laughing while looking at me.

I notice a blush appear on the blondes face and she bites her bottom lip trying to suppress her laugh anymore.

"It's fine Lena. Honestly, if we're going to be friends I guess we should share that kind of thing. I'm not trying to hide that anyways... I'm bisexual, but I haven't told many people. I guess, I mean on krypton we didn't really have those kind of things it was just whoever we fell in love with it wasn't a big deal really"

I stared into her eyes as my cheeks heated up. I was happy my chances with supergirl just went up by 0.00001%.

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