Chapter 2: Getting to know her...

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Karas pov
I opened my eyes, to find I was not in my apartment. I could smell bacon being cooked so I think someone else is here. I felt weaker than usual, then I remembered I was fighting bizzaro... then I think i solar flared and fell onto... oh crap. I'm in Lena fricken Luthors house! Oh rao! I thought to myself.

I looked around to see a plain apartment. White glassy walls and black furniture, very modern. I sat up on the couch which the Luthor had carried me to last night.

"Ah, you're awake!" I turned to see Miss Luthor in the kitchen making breakfast. She was wearing some tight grey joggers and a white crop top.

"Y-yes um... Good Morning Miss Luthor" I said as I got up and walked towards her.

"Good Morning supergirl. And you can call me Lena" she said while smiling at me.

"Ok then... Lena thanks for letting me stay here last night"

"It was no bother really. I couldn't let you go home anyways. Are your powers still... um-"

I cut her off "gone yep! I probably won't get them back till tomorrow. That's usually how long it takes"

"Oh ok... well. I'm making you some breakfast so you can have a shower, if you want, in there..." She said while pointing to the shower.

"Thanks, um... I'll do that" I walked over to her bathroom, which was also quite modern looking. Nothing like my apartment. Well she is rich so that explains it. I took off my super suit and placed it in the corner as I walked over to the large shower and turned it on.


After my shower I got out and dried my body with one of the towels. I slipped back into my super suit and brushed my hair out. I decided just to leave it down while of towel dried it.

I walked back to the kitchen where I saw a plate filled with bacon, toast and eggs. Mmmm that looks soooo good! I thought to myself.

"Hello, again. There's your breakfast I'm just going to go get a shower myself don't sneak out while I'm gone" she said with a chuckle.

I giggled at her "wouldn't dream of it Mis- I mean lena. Thanks for the breakfast" I said watching her walk into the bathroom.

I sat down at the island counter top and ate the breakfast she had made for me. I don't know why she's being so nice to me. I mean we just met. Although she does seem nice. Nothing at all like her brother.

Lena emerged from her room wearing some leggings and a plain white shirt, as I got up to wash my plate.

"I'll wash it don't worry supergirl. You're the guest so just go sit down"

I thought best not to argue about it and nodded at her. I sat down on the couch looking around at her apartment. Like I said before it's quite plain not something you would call homey. There's no family pictures anywhere.

Lena came and sat next to me on the couch leaving a bit of distance between us. Although I wouldn't mind if she sat closer, I don't know what it is about her but she makes me feel relaxed.

We sat there for a couple of minutes in awkward silence. Until finally she decided to break it.

"So um... how do you feel today... that was some fight you had with that red robot thingy last night" she asked trying to make small talk.

"Not too good to be honest. I feel weak still. But I'm ok, the shower helped a bit" I said smiling. She smiled back. Oh rao. Her smile is so cute I could just melt. I thought.

"Glad to hear your felling a little better... and Um... I just wanted to say sorry for my brother trying to kill your cousin and all"

My heart ached when she said that last part. I mean she has nothing to be sorry for it wasn't her fault her brother went all crazy.

"No Lena, you don't have to apologise it wasn't your fault. So don't worry about it" I smiled at her.

We sat there for a while making small talk about our lives. Of course I couldn't tell her too much or I might end up revealing myself. But she told me that she was adopted into the luthor family when she was about 3 and that lex was actually quite nice when he was younger. I mean nobody's born a murdering psycho so I guess that makes sense.

We also talked about small things like favourite foods and tv shows. I told her that my favourite food was potstickers obviously and she said she doesn't really have a favourite food but she likes kale. I shrivelled my face in disgust while she laughed at me. I mean come on, kale is gross!

I suddenly realised that my phone was left at my apartment and nobody had heard from me till last night. Oh rao Alex is gunna kill me! And omr i was meant to be at work like 3 hours ago! Cats gunna kill me! I thought to myself.

"Um... lena I'm really sorry. I have to go because my people haven't heard from me all day and last night. So there gunna be ready and I also have a job that I was meant to be at 3 hours ago! I'm so sorry" I rambled on.

She looked somewhat disappointed but nodded and said goodbye to me.

I walked out the door suddenly realising. I was dressed as supergirl and I'm going to have to walk home and not fly. People may look at me weird but it's whatever.


I arrive at my apartment, and to my surprise the door was open. I walk in to find Alex cross armed and standing in the middle of my small apartment.

"Kara Danvers where the hell have you been! We've been looking all night for you and I have been here since 3 am! What the fuck!"

I closed the door behind me and sighed as I put my head down.

"Sorry Alex. I solar flared and fell onto Lena Luthors balcony-"

Suddenly Alex went from angry to concerned in a matter of seconds "Omg why didn't you say! Are you ok? Did she hurt you?"

"Yes and no. I'm fine. Still don't have my powers back though and she didn't hurt me, she was actually quite nice she let me sleep on the couch and made me breakfast and we talked for a bit" I explained.

Alex walked in front of me and gave me a tight hug before hitting me on the arm.

"Ouch! Alex, I don't have my powers that hurt!"

"Yeah well! Next time ask the Luthor to lend a phone and call me! God dam it I was worried Kara"

I smiled at her "aw! You care about me"

"Of course I do I'm your sister, not you better get to work apparently cat grants going mental"

I ran into my room and changed fast tying my hair back into a pony tail and placing my glasses on my head.

"Alex give me a ride I can't fly" I shouted to the living room.

"Yeah yeah ok. But I only have my bike is that ok"

No way was I riding on that think it's dangerous and I'm a vulnerable human for the day.

"Ummm... never mind I'll walk"

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