Chapter 19

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Waking up with a hangover is always, always horrible and usually Louis would just turn over and continue sleeping as long as possible.

But when he turned around, he felt another body next to him which was something that happened— well, never. Louis opened his eyes, saw Harry and then everything from last night came back into his head.

Louis sat bolt upright, ignoring the stabbing pain going through his head and instead stared at the sleeping beauty next to him with wide eyes.

He wasn't sure what he was feeling. Hangover? Definitely. A bit shocked? Maybe a bit. Sort of... happy? What the hell was going on? Louis was well aware how everything had happened only because Harry and he had been drunk and that took the glory down a bit.

And that... wait, what? What glory? Louis bit his lip. It was just sex. It should had been just sex. Louis had done it many times while being drunk. But why he was now thinking about glory and how he would have liked it to happen when they are sober? Why he felt disappointed? Louis leaned closer to Harry, frowning. Why everything was so different with Harry?

He examined Harry's sleeping face; how his features were soft and peaceful, how his hair was one big mess of curls, how his lips were red and slightly swollen. A small, enchanted smile formed on his lips and then Harry moved a little, snuffling and Louis jumped out of the bed, his heart beating really fast.

"Oh, fuck", Louis muttered because, shit, he liked Harry. He liked, liked Harry. Louis covered his mouth and tried not to freak out. When he began to fancy Harry, when did that happen?

"Oh no. No. No, no, no, this can't be happening", Louis muttered, slowly pulling his yesterday's clothes on. He tiptoed to his wardrobe, glanced at harry and then warily opened the wardrobe's door. It creaked slightly but Louis managed to wiggle his suit bag and shoes out of there.

Louis' heart was beating faster than ever before when he tiptoed to the bedroom door, looked at Harry one more time and then slipped out of the door and out of the room.

While walking aimlessly around, Louis checked his pockets. Apparently God loved him, because he found his phone and checked the time. It was 10:34 a.m.

The wedding ceremony would start 3:00 p.m. so Louis wasn't the only one up. There were people cleaning the house, guests eating breakfast, children running around.

Louis didn't know what to do. He couldn't go to Liam and Zayn's room to ask help because they'd ask way too many questions. One name popped into Louis' head and he groaned.

Ed. Ed was his only option.

It took some time but eventually Louis managed to find the right door. He gulped nervously when he knocked and after a couple of minutes the door finally opened, revealing a very tired looking ginger boy.

"Good morning", Louis greeted weakly.

Ed tilted his head, his eyes checking Louis from head to toes.

"Let's see... Yesterday's clothes, which, if I may add, smell awful, pale skin, swollen lips, three love bites, arms full of clean clothes and God, don't get me even started about your hair." Ed raised his eyebrows, smirking. "Which room did you spent your night?"

"In my own."

"And you're not there now because...?"

"I can't."

Ed shrugged, getting the point. "So there's someone in your bed who you don't wanna see when they wake up. Got it. Come on in, Nialler is still sleeping."

Louis walked in, sighing in relief. Ed closed the door and wrinkled his nose.

"You need a shower. Give me a minute, I'll get you a towel."

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