Chapter 22 *

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Louis stared at the same bar's door where he had been when he had met Marco before Zayn had dragged him out. He wanted to go in but then again, he didn't. He didn't have money or anything but he just needed to get out of his apartment. He had walked to the bar and it had took him about twenty minutes and that was way too long because his mind had drifted on Harry more often than he cared to admit.

"Hell, I'm Louis fucking Tomlinson, of course someone wants to buy me a drink", Louis muttered to himself and then walked in before he could change his mind again.

He sat down and leaned his elbows against the counter. The bartender was serving some other customer but he still looked at Louis, smiling kindly.

"Do you want something?"

Louis shook his head, and glanced around him. There were lots of people. Some were dancing, some were just sitting and laughing and some were kissing very passionately. Louis sneered and rolled his eyes.

Marco wasn't there, otherwise Louis would have spotted him already. Damn it.

Suddenly a man who looked like a cute chipmunk sat down next to Louis, and smiled adorably.

"Hi", he greeted.

Louis tilted his head. "Hi to yourself."

"I'm Dan", the chipmunk said.

Louis shook Dan's hand. "Louis."

Dan glanced at Louis' empty hands and raised an eyebrow. "You don't drink?"

"I do."

"Your hands are empty."

Louis shrugged, grinning. "Don't have my wallet."

Dan laughed. "Well in that case, can I buy you a drink?"

"Would be very much appreciated", Louis said and gave Dan a genuine smile— after all, that chipmunk would buy him a drink.

When Louis got his beer he drank immediately half of it, and he didn't stop it there. Dan chuckled next to him.

"Slow down, buddy", he said.

Louis shook his head and kept drinking until the glass was empty. He breathed heavily and wiped his mouth.

"Somebody has had a bad day."

Louis shrugged. "More like a bad week."

Dan scooted a bit closer, and Louis turned to look at him.

"If you wanna talk about it, I'm all ears", said Dan quietly and leaned closer.

Louis leaned too but then he pushed Dan away and shook his head, Harry's face flickering in his mind.

"I'm sorry", Louis said, shaking his head rapidly. "I just... I can't, I'm—"

"No, it's okay", said Dan, patting Louis' shoulder. "I really shouldn't have done that. It was highly inappropriate."

Louis sighed, rubbing his face. "I'm a mess. I just... I had a really bad week. I promised to my best friend that I wouldn't fuck his boyfriend's best friend and then that's exactly what I did and I ruined my best friend's wedding, I stole his car and I somehow managed to develop feelings towards that guy I wasn't allowed to fuck but who I fucked anyway and—"

"Whoa, whoa, slow down", said Dan, but Louis was temporarily deaf.

"—then I freaked out and left and now my wallet and charger and everything is there and I'm here and I don't have food or money or my phone and—"

"HEY!" Dan exclaimed, and Louis finally snapped his mouth shut. "Hey, calm down. How about we go get something to eat and we can talk, okay?"

Louis breathed out slowly. "Okay."

They got up and walked out of the bar. Dan pointed at the fastfood restaurant across the street which was open around the clock.

"Is that good?" Dan asked.

Louis nodded but then frowned. "You really don't have to—"


Dan dragged Louis in to the restaurant and after they had ordered their foods, they sat down and Louis smiled at Dan.

"Seriously, thank you."

"My pleasure", Dan replied.

Okay, so Louis liked Dan, he was a really good lad. Normally it wouldn't be a problem to tell people to pay his food and what else, but now Louis was in a vulnerable state and he felt a bit bad that Dan had to pay his food.

Or maybe it was because Dan looked like a chipmunk and Louis has always liked chipmunks.

"So, tell me, what exactly happened to you?" said Dan.

Their foods came and after the waitress had walked away, Louis shrugged. "I think I babbled everything already."

"Hmm..." Dan smiled kindly. "You said that you developed feelings towards that one guy?"

Louis nodded.

"Why is that bad?"

"I don't do relationships", Louis muttered and took a bite of his hamburger.

Dan grinned. "Ooh... I get it. Damn."


Now when Louis was more calm, he didn't feel like talking about his week from hell, and fortunately Dan sensed that, so they ate their food in silence.

"You know", said Dan suddenly, "I'm really sorry that I tried to kiss you."

"It's okay", Louis assured.

Dan shook his head. "No, it's not. I have a boyfriend."

Louis mouth formed an 'o' letter. "Yikes. Troubles in paradise?"

Dan shrugged. "We've been fighting a lot. He lied to me and I got angry even though it wasn't a big deal, and I walked out of there and then I met you and I just— I'm sorry."

Louis shook his head. "No, I get it, really. No harm done."

"I just...", Dan's voice drifted away, and he sighed. "I just don't know what to do with him."

Louis was silent for a moment, before he leaned closer to Dan, looking at him dead in the eye. "Are you in love with him?"

"What? Of course I love him."

Louis shook his head. "No. There's a difference between 'love' and 'in love'. I ask you again, are you in love with him?"

They stared at each other for a while until Dan sighed. "Yes. Yes, I am in love with him."

Louis leaned away. "Then go fix things with him."

"Really?" Dan asked, surprised.

Louis nodded. "Really. Go."

Dan smiled, shaking his head. "How do you know this kind of stuff? I thought you don't do relationships."

Louis shrugged, smiling weakly. "I wasn't always like this."

Dan stared at him for a moment and then stood up. "Thank you, Louis. Seriously."

Louis waved his hand dismissively. "Go get him, tiger."

Dan thanked him again and then walked away. Louis sat alone for a moment, and shook his head. He wasn't himself. Normally he would have advised to dump the guy, so why not now? What was wrong with him?

"It's because of Harry", Louis muttered to himself, realising just how right he was. "Damn it, Harry, get out of my mind."

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