A Single Slip

764 57 17

Chapter warnings: Mild language and violence

Word Count: 2137


"Y/N's first raid!" Haechan cheered as they pulled up to a run-down town. She wasn't nearly as excited as the boy, however. In fact, her stomach was turning at the thought of having to face any zombies again. Their sources were pretty good, and suggested that there was a strong chance that they would run into at least a few. There were always stragglers that hung behind in their old homes, and some formed stationary hordes. While this would help in their moments of running away, it would be rather difficult to raid houses as such.

"Who's going in, and who's staying in the car?" Taeyong asked, surveying the van.

"I'm driving." Taeil called out. It seemed like he didn't fight very often.

"And Jungwoo is running the other car." Taeyong added on.

"I went last time." Jaehyun grumbled. "By myself."

"You wanted to go by yourself." Mark corrected him.

"If Haechan is so excited about it, send him." Jaehyun countered.

"That could work. How about Haechan and Yuta go with her?" Taeyong suggested.

"Three people seems excessive..." Yuta said softly, but Taeyong had already made up his mind.

"Haechan and Yuta, we're bout ten minutes out! Dig in the back for your weapons." The boys nodded, (Yuta a bit reluctantly). This was quite interesting for Y/N. She hadn't seen either of these men fight before. Yuta seemed too innocent and passive, but she had no reason to doubt Taeyong's judgement... It would be strange to watch, but interesting.

"Grab a rifle." Jaehyun muttered in her ear, causing her to jump.


"Calm down. All I'm saying is you should grab a bigger gun. I won't be there to save your ass this time." He explained with a glare.

"Wouldn't it be better for you if my ass went un-saved?" She offered.

"Oo, and what will Jaehyun come back with?" Haechan commented, already back in his original place.

"Shut up, idiot."

"Almost there." Taeyong cut off their fight, trying to get them all to settle down. Sure enough, she could just barely make out a few buildings through the dusty atmosphere. "Remember, in particular Jungwoo has given you a list of materials he's looking for. Many of them can be found in convenience stores or family medicine cabinets. Unless you're planning to eat it tonight, don't pick up anything perishable."

"I am sooo gonna get something good." Haechan said, acting like a little kid.

"The more flour you pick up, the more we can bake." Taeil put the thought in his mind.

"Ohh, good plan." Haechan laughed. "Anyway, let's roll!" As the car was still slowing down, he opened the door, launching himself out and rolling onto the ground, lugging something close behind.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" Yuta asked, but laughing and following suit."

"Wait, what?"

"Your turn. It's easier if you tuck."

"Wait, what?" Jaehyun kicked her lightly in the back, sending her careening out of the car. The breath was knocked out of her lungs as she hit the ground, rolling a few feet before finally slowing to a stop.

The Final Bell (Zombie Apocalypse AU) (NCT127 x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now