A Surprising Turn

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Chapter warnings: mild language

Word count: 1467


"Hey, can I come in?" Y/N called softly, shaking the outside of the tent. Jungwoo was busy and had no idea where anyone was, much less someone specific. Taeil was out on a drive, and Taeyong and Jaehyun were in the woods doing... something. She wasn't going to question it. After looking around most of the camp, she had determined that Mark must have been inside his own tent. As expected, she received a response.

"W-who is it?" He sounded worried. That wasn't like him at all. Honestly, the fact that he was in his tent and not out leading someone in something wasn't like him. Not to mention that he should have known who it was. He knew everybody so well- something was up.

"Um, it's the only girl who lives in your camp?" She said, concerned.

"Oh, haha, sorry, yeah, I should have known." Silence.

"Is that... a yes?"

"A yes? For what?"

"Can I come in?"

"Oh! Yeah, for sure, for sure." Okay, this was getting weirder by the second. She carefully unzipped the flap, stepping inside and shutting it behind her. He didn't say anything, just staring at some pointless corner of his living space. She'd never been inside his tent before, so she took a quick glance around.

They moved fairly often, so obviously it wasn't completely set up, but there was a sleeping bag, a few boxes, some clothes littered around-nothing too strange. She noticed that one of the smaller boxes was full of small, black plastic objects: cassette tapes. She also noticed the matching walkman on the ground next to him. With no introduction to work with from him, she spoke first.

"So... I came to check up on you, we haven't talked in a while. How are you doing?"

"Me? Oh, I'm great, I'm fantastic, no worries!" He smiled. "I was just listening to music!" He began swaying to the beat with a large grin on his face as if to prove it.

"You don't have the earbuds in." He looked down.

"You're right! I guess I just enjoy it that much!" Still standing, she watched as he put one of the buds in, performing the same little routine. She breathed out, staring.

"Are you sure you're okay?" She asked again, looking at him strongly.

"Yep! Everything's good. Thanks for checking up, though! Glad we kept you around! So I'll see you later?" She hesitated, but nodded.

"Yeah, I... I guess I'll see you." She walked out, zipping the flap slowly behind her. Just as she pulled it to the top, though, she had a quick change of heart. She pulled it down a third time, stepping back through again. "Actually, you know what? No. I know something is wrong, and if you don't tell someone it's gonna get worse." He was looking up at her now, eyes widening a little.

"I- I don't know what you're talking about, I-"

"Cut the shit, Mark! Is it Haechan and Yuta? Is that what's bothering you?" At this point, his eyes were watering, but he still had that stupid, plastic smile plastered onto his face.

"That's bothering everyone, Y/N. It was a tragedy, but bad things happen!" He said. "It's just life!" This was getting tiring. She knelt down next to him.

"This is ridiculous. You can't be happy all the time. People try to be happy by avoiding suffering, but that's stupid because you're going to suffer. We're all going to suffer- hell, we're all suffering! But suffering is what makes us appreciate it when we finally get to be happy again. Happiness and suffering are experiences that everyone deals with, so stop trying to pretend like you're not suffering." Without any warning, she grabbed him by the shoulders, wrapping him in her arms and putting a hand on the back of his head.

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