Fearless Leader

611 43 18

Chapter warnings: Mild language and graphic content

Word count: 1717


"We don't have time for this! We're nearly there!" Taeyong was panicking as Doyoung stood under the hood of the car.

"I don't know what to tell you, I don't have the materials necessary to fix a car battery. The marina is only a few miles from here, and there's not a closer city."

"Maybe one of us can run and find the stuff you need at the marina. That way we can drive the supplies back, and-" Y/N started to suggest

"It's too dangerous." Jaehyun cut in. "In our experience, the coasts are always crawling with infected. Looking for a way out with nowhere to go- making that run alone is a suicide mission."

"We all go together then? And come back?"

"There's no point, we'd all be there. It would be safer to just take a boat and go."

"That's risky. With no food or water, we'd have days to find a place." Mark pointed out.

"We'll take as much as we can carry, then." Taeyong decided. "Everyone grabs a bag, takes what they can, and we make a run for it."

"That's insane." Jaehyun argued.

"It's the best chance we've got." Taeyong countered. He was surprisingly calm given the mess they were about to walk into. She supposed this is why he was in charge. No matter what the situation, she had never seen him break. It had to grate on him, but what could she do? It was just how he was. Maybe he justified the suppression by helping everyone around him. Regardless, without him, they wouldn't have come nearly as far as they had.

Jaehyun didn't argue any further, yet another testament to their leader's capabilities. They quietly started grabbing things- it only took a few minutes. It didn't feel right, leaving the car behind. It had seen the life and death of so many, pulled them from the brink of annihilation more times than they could count. Yet another member of their party left in the dust, they supposed.

The walk was unpleasant, to say the least. The sun was directly overhead, microwaving them mercilessly as they stumbled towards the water. About a mile out, they started to smell the salt grazing the air. Sweat dripped down Y/N's forehead as she looked ahead, seeing Taeyong in front of her. Mark, Doyoung, and Jaehyun were behind, but she could vaguely hear their labored breathing.

"Almost there." Taeyong reassured them. It was bittersweet news. To start, would they be able to leave knowing that all their friends, all their past fights, were rotting here in the dirt? It felt disrespectful, like they were abandoning their friends. On a more surface level, though, they knew what the coast had in store for them. It was only affirmed as the salty air changed to the stagnant aroma of a butcher's.

As they crossed a particularly large hill, they finally laid eyes on the shore. The sand and the sound of the water was all familiar, the white clouds overhead almost indicating a beautiful day. Forming an impassible barricade at the water, though, were what had to be thousands of disgusting, purple monsters. It was the biggest horde she'd ever seen, jaw dropping as her eyes surveyed it.

"Here's the plan." Taeyong whispered, snapping her out of it momentarily. "Do you see that boat?" He pointed towards the marina. Most of the ships were either clearly broken or had submerged in the ocean. One in particular, though, seemed nearly untouched, if not a little mossy. It was smaller than they would have hoped, but anything functional was good. The area was crawling with enemies.

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