Exodus (Part 2)

559 42 7

Chapter warnings: Mild language, graphic content

Word count: 1648


The skyscrapers towered over them as they exited the van, the shadows casting across each other and giving everyone a sense of unease. As they settled on their feet, everyone stopped and listened, begging for the sweet chorus of silence. Unfortunately, a different symphony touched their ears. The moaning and screaming of what had to have been thousands racked the walls, some more recent than others. The place was definitely infested.

"We're probably looking at about a half-population." Jaehyun said calmly, startling Y/N by cutting the air with his voice. She forgot how long it had been since they'd talked, and hearing his voice in such a direct manner caught her off guard. Doyoung agreed with his statement.

"Based on the past statistics, I'd say so. That would mean for every thousand feet or so, each of us would be outnumbered 4 to 1." He said, validating Jaehyun's initial theory.

"It may be better to just go around." Mark offered. "We may have enough gas to make it to an empty area."

"We can't just leave Taeil." Jungwoo pointed out. "There's a high chance he's here." Rolling his eyes, Mark asked,

"Oh, really? Has he answered his radio?"

"No." Taeyong said. "And that's worrying."

"If he doesn't answer, it's his fault if his ass gets left." He grumbled.

"Mark!" The leader reprimanded him with a glare. Sighing, the boy backed off.

"Sorry, sorry. We'll find him. So, do we split up, or stick together?" Y/N wasn't so sure she liked either of those options. Staying together was probably safer, but it meant that they would have to take several times longer to find Taeil. Who knew what insane situation he had gotten himself into at this point? Still, splitting up... the memory of her last experience doing so was still fresh in her mind. Thankfully, Taeyong made the decision for her.

"Split up, we can cover more ground. No one wanders off alone, though. I don't care if you get in a fight or one of you gets injured, you stay together under all circumstances." Everyone nodded. "Alright, I'll go with Doyoung, Jungwoo and Mark stick together, which leaves Y/N and Jaehyun." The latter looked quite annoyed with this, but surprisingly said nothing.

"We'll go West," Taeyong directed, "Mark, you guys go North, and Y/N and Jaehyun go East. Everyone move to the right and we'll eventually all meet back at the van. Keep your radios on Channel 7, if you need help or you find Taeil, call everyone. Sound good?" Again, everyone agreed. As much as Taeyong hated to admit it, he was fairly skilled at directing and motivating his teammates. He had even made it so that Jaehyun wasn't complaining. Speaking of...

As they split off, Y/N watched him. Despite the eerie noises, they hadn't encountered any zombies as of yet, so they were just walking in silence. His strides were longer than hers, so she occasionally had to do a little sprint just to keep up. He obviously wasn't concerned with Ty's 'stick together' rule.

"You're awfully quiet." She noted, trying to spark up a conversation.

"That's just how I am." Laughing, she argued,

"No it isn't. Shouldn't you be chewing me out for something?"

"Fine, stop being fucking annoying and talking to me." Unsure whether to take it seriously or as a joke, she continued pestering him.

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