Guilty as Charged

666 48 23

Chapter warnings: Mild language and violence

Word count: 1185


Their plan was to leave now that Haechan was feeling a bit better, but he insisted that they stay for another stretch of time. While Taeyong really wanted to get on the road, he agreed to a few more days Jaehyun had been oddly distant, but that wasn't too unusual. What was unusual is when Haechan went back to being alone. They figured he just needed time to cope, a little silence to get over it.

Yuta was the first to try and talk to him. It had been 4 days since the loss of his arm, and Yuta had spent the whole time avoiding him. Still, he knew they'd have to address it eventually.


"Go away." He paused.

"Look... I'm sorry, I know it's my fault."

"Leave, Yuta." He demanded. Haechan didn't blame him, but... something was wrong. He couldn't think straight. Suddenly, he was filled with rage and anger, and he didn't know why. He wanted to control it, but every time Yuta spoke, it broke down his self control a bit more.

"I understand if you don't want to talk to me, but I just can't-"

"Are you all stupid?" He shouted from inside the tent. "How about this, then? The next person who tries to come in here, I'm fucking shooting them. Okay?"

"Haechan-" Yuta reached for the zipper. A bang rang out. A tiny, smoldering hole was left inches from his hand. The plastic of the tent was already melting the gap back together, but it was undoubtedly visible.

"That's your one warning." The injured boy growled. As Yuta began to walk away sadly, he could just barely make out a muffled giggling. The boy had always been a bit eccentric, but now he sounded downright unhinged. Yuta didn't want to say anything- he was worried Haechan would get in some sort of trouble. However, by day 5, Y/N didn't know what to do. Something was wrong, she could feel it.

She had tried to console Yuta, but the boy was determined to make amends with his friend.

"Yuta, he just needs time."

"We don't have time! I feel like shit for what I did!"

"It wasn't your fault, man, Hae knows that."

"No, I have to do something! He'll starve otherwise!" He said, running towards the boy's tent.

"Yuta, wait-" She called, trying to catch up. It was too late, though. She stood about ten feet back as Yuta knelt in the dirt, screaming through the fabric.

"Haechan, I'm coming in!" He shouted.

"I think the fuck not!" A click sounded from inside. Clearly he had cocked a gun- he wasn't messing around. Still, Yuta grabbed the zipper, pulling it down.


Blood leaked from Yuta's shoulder. It wasn't far off from a major artery, but it had missed fatal proportions. A second shot fired, then a third. He fell to the ground. Fifth. Sixth. By the end, he had fired nine rounds into Yuta's body. The boy passed out cold. By now, Haechan had stepped out of the tent. He was clearly sick- and not in the regular way.

His severed arm was purple, but not zombie purple. It was more of a rash color, bubbling and twisting across his skin, almost as if it had a life of its own. His eyes were red and bloodshot, and his pupils were dilated despite the shade.

"Haechan..." She stuttered, staring in horror. "What did you do?" His focus was flitting in and out as he swayed. He almost looked drunk, but she smelled no alcohol.

"I... oh my god." He knelt down next to his friend, quickly bleeding out. Y/N rushed over to help him. She tried to apply pressure wherever she could. His breathing grew weak, soon slowing.

"Shit, shit, shit!" She yelled, grabbing his face. "Stay with me, Yuta, come on," She pushed on his chest, trying to get his lungs to restart. She held his nose, breathing harshly into his mouth. She repeated this process a few times, but he wasn't responding.

"Fuck! What have I done!" Haechan sat on the ground, rocking back and forth with his head to his knees. "I'm going crazy, Y/N, crazy!"

"You're gonna be okay, just help me with-"

"Absolutely insane! It's that juice, Y/N, the funny stuff Jungwoo made. It's doing something to me, it's- it's making me want to hurt people."


"I want to shoot you so badly, Y/N, I really do." He cried, strangely tinted tears streaming down his face in gooey tracks. "I have one bullet left, I could do it." She was still unable to get a word in. "One bullet... that's it, I know how I can fix this!" He said, standing once again.

"Wait, really? How-"


Y/N stared in horror at the now two bodies lying in front of her.

"Y/N? What's going on?" A voice asked behind her. Taeyong was walking over. Oh no, oh no, oh no...

"Taeyong, I-" She stood up, running to him and burying her face in his chest. He could see the scene over her shoulder, mouth agape in shock.

"...What happened?" He whispered. She could feel his body tremble beneath her. The bodies were a mess. Yuta was riddled with bullet holes and lying in a river of blood. It was staining both his and the other boy's clothes. Haechan, although only hit with one bullet, made almost as much of a mess. She didn't want to take a second look to confirm, but she could have sworn she saw pieces of his brain littered around.

"I think it was Jungwoo's test, he- he wen't crazy, he shot Yuta nine times, and then he- he killed himself I- I tried to- I don't know what-"

"Shh, Y/N, we'll handle it." He said. Clearly he was devastated, but trying not to cause her to panic. He called the other men over, and everything faded into a blur for her. Next thing she knew, Jungwoo was in front of her. She was still frozen, arms around Taeyong, as she watched Jungwoo carefully lift up Haechan's eyelid.

"He looks high." Jungwoo concluded. "This is the medication. I knew it was too good to be true. This is why I didn't want anyone knowing what I was working on!" He seethed, crying as well. Everyone was crying.

"This is all my fault." She whimpered. "If I hadn't made him drink that stuff, he'd still be alive."

"It's not your fault, Y/N. We just weren't careful enough." Taeyong muttered, putting a hand on her back.

"Fuck!" Someone yelled from behind everything. All the boys turned. It had been Jaehyun. "You guys all think this is just some big fucking game, huh? Winwin is dead, Haechan is dead, Yuta is dead. We're fucking next! This is all of your faults. Every single one of you!" He yelled, stomping and turning away.

"Jae..." Taeyong let go of Y/N to try and walk towards him.

"No, you know what? I'm going for a walk. I hope you all are happy." 

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