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"Gerard! Gerard! please wake up!" i scream through tears i barely know this guy and now im screaming to make sure he's alive "what the fuck where am i?" i hear gerard ask "oh my god you're alive!" i scream "of course i am where's mikey?" i look around for a second and no sign of mikey anywhere "he probably left without me fucking asshole" gerard says while getting up "you wanna come to my place until the morning?" i ask expecting a no he nods his head and we get in the car and drive to my house.

"Here it is" i say he doesn't respond and just walks inside i lock my car and head in as well gerards just sitting on the couch but i notice something he's crying "hey what's wrong?" i ask "everything!" he screams now balling i sit beside him and take hime into a hug "hey it's okay i understand what you're going through" i say he only nods and continues crying "f-frank?"
"Yeah?" i ask "can i stay the night here tonight?" he ask "of course you can I'll always be here" i say "thank you" he responds "gerard can i ask you something?" i ask attempting to break the silence he nods "why did you get so mad when i asked if you had a girlfriend who could help you?" my whole body tenses up as i wait for him to freak out and run out the door "because i used to have someone who would help he was there for me when i needed him but he said he couldn't do it anymore he said i needed help serious help and that he wasn't coming back until i got that help" he says trying to hold back tears "what was his name?" i ask "Bert" he says i pull him closer into a hug "gerard im gonna be your help im always gonna be here im gonna help you so you can get him back how does that sound?" i ask i rally want gerard to myself but i can tell he really misses bert and im not gonna force him.

"That sounds good,frank?"


"I think in falling in love with you"

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