1 month clean

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Its been a month since he showed me and he's completely stopped im so proud of him we've both been clean for a month now

"Hey frankie?" gerard ask me

"Yes gee?"

"You wont ever leave me will you?" gerard ask

"Gee we've gone over this multiple times i promise I'll never leave you"

He only nods

"But bert said the same thing"

I don't know what about that got me so pissed but it did

"And so what im not bert!" i scream in his face 'whats happening why am i screaming'

"I didn't say you were bert asshole!" gerard screams back he's actually kinda scary when mad

"Why are you comparing him to me just fucking get over it baby!" 'fuck i shouldn't have said that'

Gerard then turns to me teary eyed and pushes me down to the ground "fuck you frank and fuck this relationship just fuck everything!" he screams through tears and runs off

'what have i done'

Gerards p.o.v: I run into my house tears streaming down my face frank didn't love me he lied he didn't care at all about me i run to my room and lock my door and i let all the anger out punch the walls scream like a madman kick random shit and when im done i just sit on my bed tears still falling i couldn't relieve myself we got all drugs and sharp things out of my house but then i remember the one thing i hid from frank just in case i needed it.

My gun

Our chemical romance (Short story frerard)Where stories live. Discover now