Clean up

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I couldn't believe it

Did he really mean it?

Well just have to see

"Gerard get up we've got work to do" i say attempting to awake him he slept really good and so did i "fine" he muttered we both got dressed and first headed to gerards house "do we really have to?" he ask me with a sad face "yes we have to get clean i don't wanna leave you gee"

"Thanks Frankie"

We got to his house and ran to his room "okay gee put all your drugs and drinks in this bag" i say while holding out a trash bag "alright" he says after about an hour we finally cleaned his whole room but out of nowhere gerard starts hugging me "thank you Frankie i owe you one" and without hesitation he kisses me and i kiss back

So he really did mean it

"You're house was filled with drugs where did you get them all?" gerard ask "from you" i respond we both laugh were actually on good terms now and were headed to a coffee shop now because gerard is fucking obsessed with coffee we walk in and sit at a table

"Hey frankie?" gerard ask with worry in his tone

"Yeah?" i ask

"Can you help me with something else?"

"Of course i can gee i love you"

He looks at the ground and bites his lip

"You wont leave will you?" he ask on the verge of tears

"I will never leave gee I'll always be here"

"Okay" and then he pulls the sleeve of his hoodie and looks away

What i saw brought me to tears


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