Forever and always

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Gerards p.o.v: Things have been great between me and frank and im so glad i just don't ever want to go back to that dark place ever again right now frank is taking me somewhere special he's been so sweet recently

"Are we almost there?" i ask tugging on his hoodie "yes gee bear were almost there be patient" he says in a reassuring voice we continue walking until we reach a bridge and we come to a sudden stop

"What do you think?" he ask "oh my god frank it's beautiful!" i screech the bridge had an amazing view of the beach and the sunset "so why did you bring me here?" i ask "gerard i brought you here because i wanted to ask you something extremely important"

Before i can say anything he gets down on one knee and pulls out a box and opens it to reveal a beautiful diamond ring

"Gerard arthur way will you take my hand in marriage?" he ask "oh my god frank yes!" i scream he them proceeds to slip the ring onto my finger tears running down my face i then hug frank the tightest i have ever hugged anybody

"Frank i l-love you so much it makes me sick" i say through my tears of joy

"Me to gerard me to don't ever leave me please don't ever leave" he says through his tears

"I promise I'll never leave frank if you promise too" i said

"I promise gerard i promise" and with those final words we kissed and watched the sun go down

And i knew we would always be there for each other forever and always.

Woo it's over boys sorry about my update schedule but im gonna try and get better anyway love you all.

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