Headfirst for halos

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I started running as fast as i could to gerards house i gotta make sure he didn't hurt himself

I bust inside and i run towards his room he's alive

"Hey frank" he says like the argument between us never happened

"You didn't hurt yourself gerard did you?" i ask looking around the room

"No frank i didn't and im sorry"

"Don't be sorry it's my fault i shouldnt have said those things about you"

"Its okay frank just please get your temper under control" he says

"I promise I'll keep it under control" i then pull him into a hug and i don't wanna let go i never wanna let go i wanna stay like this forever.

Time jump:2 months

Gerards p.o.v: Hear i am again on my bed sobbing uncontrollably again he promised to keep his temper under control but he didn't I've gone back to my old ways of self-harm and he hasn't noticed he just mostly spends time with ray and at parties he said we were gonna get clean together but he just couldn't control himself and know he's back to his old ways i just want this all to end.

Franks p.o.v:I just got a call from gerard and he was crying saying he was really gonna end it all 'this is all my fault i just couldn't stay clean' i run inside and into his room and he was still alive

"Gee im"

He then turns to me tears running down his face "you're not sorry frank you never are just leave!" he screams through his sobs

"Gee im actually sorry this time i dont wanna lose you i love you gerard" i say as tears start to form in my eyes

"Look what you made me start doing again frank!" he screams as he pulls up his sleeve

"Gerard im so sorry i never wanted you to do that to yourself i never wanted to hurt you i love you so much!" i scream while violently sobbing

Gerard then runs over to me and hugs me super tightly

"Frank please don't go back to drugs please i can't lose you"

"I promise and i really mean it"

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