Elsa: Jack?
Rapunzel: He is not here!
Elsa: What do you mean?!
Rapunzel: He just disappeared.
Elsa: What?!
Hiccup: Pitch has him.
Elsa: How did he find us?
Rapunzel: How do you think?
Elsa: It's not my fault.
Rapunzel: If you never accepted the Guardianship then Pitch wouldn't find us as often!
Hiccup: Rap calm down!
Rapunzel: How can I when Jack is gone because his own girlfriend keeps luring Pitch to us?!
Elsa: It's not my fault!
Merida: Rap!
Rapunzel: What?! I am only saying the truth.
Elsa: I am sorry that Pitch finds us oh so much! This is only the second time he has found us! And still it is not my fault! We all have this aura us that Pitch finds us with!
Rapunzel: And your's seems to be the strongest out of all of ours!
Hiccup: You two just stop!
Rapunzel: Hiccup stay out of it!
Merida: Rapunzel stop! It's not Elsa's fault he's gone! It's Pitch's!
Rapunzel: Merida you also need to stay out of it!
Elsa: You know what?! I am going to leave the Guardians! And I guess you can have him. *storms off*
*everyone looks surprised at Elsa. After a couple minutes pass of silence. When out of nowhere Jack comes running in.*
Jack: *looks around* Where is Elsa?
Rapunzel: Who cares? Just so you know Jack you have both of us in your life now. So it is either me or Elsa in your life. You better let me know your answer by the end of this month.
Jack: Woah, woah, woah, woah. Why do I have to choose? You guys are friends. We all are friends.
Rapunzel: Tell that to your girlfriend. Who will be leaving in about two minutes.
Jack: What do you mean by leaving?!
Hiccup: She's leaving the Guardians.
Jack: She can't!
Merida: She already did.
Jack: Where is she going to go? We are at her place.
Hiccup: I don't know.
Rapunzel: I would care less if Pitch got her.
Jack: Rap!
Rapunzel: What?
Jack: What the heck was that about?!
Rapunzel: I wouldn't care if Pitch got her.
*There is a couple moments of silence. Then when Elsa runs out crying. Jack is about to go after her when he hears a laugh out of nowhere*

Break ups
Hayran KurguSo it is a play. About the Big 6. But with a twist. Rapunzel and Elsa are fighting. And somehow they got Jack in the middle of it. But also Jack is trying to get them to make up. But out of nowhere Rapunzel makes him choose between her and Elsa. He...