Dearly Beloved

170 10 18

Suggested by: VibishaLakshman

"Cass, look out!" Cassandra heard Varian shout next to her. She turned around and unseathed her sword. She swung at her attacker. He mimicked her movement, the clash of metal against metal making a loud, surprising sound in the usually quiet clearing.

She heard Varian cry out and turned to look at him. He was on the ground with his attacker pointing their sword as his throat. "Varian!" The attacker took the opportunity to sweep his feet under hers and get her on the ground. As he put his sword tip to her chest, Cassandra sighed.

"All right, dad. I get it." She groaned. "We lost."

The captain took his helmet off and put it under his arm. Under his mustache was a smile. He reached out her hand to help her up. Once he did, he lost the smile. "Cassandra..." He said, bringing on the lecture he always gave her when she lost at this. "You can't be distracted while fighting. If you want to be a guard you-"

"Excuse me, Captain?" Varian spoke up. His white sleeves had grass stains and his black jeans had a skinned knee. His light blue eyes still had a gleam of excitement from the training. His face was flushed, making his freckles barely noticable. His father stood behind him, placing a hand on his shoulder. Though he was 17 now, he hadn't grown that much. The captain turned to look at him in answer. "I don't mean to be rude, really, I don't, but... Why do I need this training? I like my job and I'm good at fighting with alchemy."

His father looked down at him as the captain answered. "Because, Varian. If your alchemy isn't with you when assaulted, how will you defend yourself?"

Varian set his finger and thumb on his chin. "Good logic." He caved.

The captain smiled and turned back to Cassandra. "Now, Cassandra." He said. "I expect your lady-in-waiting duties done by tonight, alright?" Cassandra nodded. Quirin and him walked away, with her father looking satisfied. Her father always did this. Though she was being trained for the Royal Guard, she was still Rapunzel's lady-in-waiting.

She felt a gloved hand on her shoulder. "I'll help, Cassie." Varian said, smiling. It was hard to believe this was one of Corona's most wanted villains at one time. He was too...she didn't know...innocent?


After mopping the floors, doing the laundry, washing the silverware, watering Old Lady Crowley flowers, and making up the guestrooms, Varian and Cassandra sat on a bench outside in the garden.

"So..." Varian said suddenly, startling Cass. "A guard." Cass smiled. He was...awkward, to say the least. She liked it though. She used to think it was annoying. But now....well, she thought it was cute. Adorable, even.

"Yep." She said back, still smiling.

"What?" He said, returning the smile. "Are you making fun of me?" He said, jokingly.

She looked down at him. Though he hadn't grown, he'd changed a bit. He had more of a sense of humor. He would overreact when surprised.

"No...or maybe..." She said. Laughing, he slapped her arm softly, playfully.

The sun was setting and the sky had turned an orange- pink. Cass felt Varian's head rest on her shoulder. She looked at him, then he looked up.

Then, with no warning, kissed her gently. Cass was surprised, but didn't push him off. Instead, she grabbed his hand. Slowly, she melted into the kiss. It wasn't gross, or weird. Well, okay. Kinda weird. They had an 8 year age difference. So what? Eugene and Raps had a 7 year one. 

When he pulled away, he looked flustered. His face was flushed scarlet again as he looked at her. "Sorry." He murmured. "I'm sorry."

She smiled down at him again. "It's fine." She put her hand on his. "I liked it, Varian." He looked at her and smiled back. He put his head back on her shoulder.

This time, she put her head on his, too.

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