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Warning! This is something me and my sister came up with for this.

"Alright, Ruddiger." Varian said, stirring the solution in the glass beaker. "So our last potion didn't have the reaction we expected. The good news is, we got a reaction."

Suddenly, Quirin, Varian's father, opened the door. Startled, Varian dumped the whole thing on the rocks. "Son-" He stopped when he saw them. "Varian, I thought I told you to stay away from those rocks." He warned.

"Yeah, dad. I know. But-" Varian began.

"Then there should be no misunderstanding!" He interrupted, grabbing Varian's shoulder. He guided him further from the rocks."Now, Varian, listen."

Varian shoved his father. "No. No you listen to me, dad. Our village is dying."

Quirin pinched the bridge of his nose. "I know that. But there is more to these rocks than you can possibly imagine!"

"Then tell me!" He challenged as Quirin walked away. "Dad, I- I have a right to know."

Quirin sighed and pulled off his glove. He looked at the symbol on his hand. "You're not rea-" He turned, to see that the solution had began encasing the rocks.

And in it was Varian's arm.

"Dad!" He yelled, struggling, tears in his eyes.

Quirin looked at him in shock. "I'm going to get the king and queen, Varian." He said, his voice shaky but calm. Reasonable. He grabbed his coat.

"No!" Varian shouted, tears flowing freely. "No, dad! Don't leave me, please!" The amber continued to wrap around his elbow as he struggled more. "Help!"

Quirin ran to his son, grabbing his hand. "It will be okay, son." He said, moving Varian's bangs away from his crystal blue eyes.

"D-dad, try pulling me out on the other side."

Quirin pulled Varian's arm. He screamed in pain. So that didn't work.

Then, he saw the iron glint of his sword in the corner.

"Son, I'll be right back."

"O-okay." He sobbed.

Right when his father came back with the sword, he knew what he was going to do.

"No!" He struggled again. "No! No, no, no, no, no! Dad, please don't!"

He looked his son in the eye. " me. Please, son."

After a moment, Varian nodded. Quirin raised the sword above his head. He hated what he had to do

Varian screamed in agony as the blade cut through his arm.

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