Just Friends (High School AU)

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QUESTION! Should I make a Tangled High School AU story? I really want to, but I'll let it be up to you!

Varian looked down at the test in front of him, playing with the blue streak in his jet black hair. Occasionally, he would look up to see Cass, one of his best friends of whom he'd recently developed feelings for.

He didn't know when it started. He wanted to say at the beginning of freshman year, maybe? Rapunzel and Eugene didn't know yet, but Lance knew. He took almost every opportunity to make fun of him for it. Like a kindergartener, he'd laugh at him, then act like he was going to tell her.

Why would Cass ever like Varian back, though? He was...okay, a bit of a nerd. He aced every class, and could always be seen taking notes, and reading by himself at free periods or free times. Cass was athletic. Badass. Pretty.

"Varian." The teacher, Ms. Stallion, said from across the room at the blackboard. "Can you solve this equation for us and break out of that daydream of yours?"

Varian looked up, and saw the equation. "352, ma'am." He responded, looking down embarrassed. "And I'm sorry."

She scoffed and turned back to the board. Cass looked back at Varian.


Truth be told, Cass liked Varian. If she told him, she was afraid it might ruin their friendship. Sure, a lot of people would think that Varian was too nerdy for her, but she loved him. They were surprised they were even friends. That's all they could be...

Both thought it was better to be just friends...

Sorry it's so DAMN SHORT.

I just wanted to give y'all feels.

Should I make more with feels?

Hope you enjoyed!

Don't forget to vote and comment!

~ Rev

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