4th of July

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Since this is the 4th of July I went and wrote this for y'all!
Warning! Cass X Rapunzel so if you don't want that, you don't have to read it.

"Cass!" Raps yelled from downstairs.

Cassandra smiled at her girlfriend's excitement. It was Raps' first 4th of July. She looked down at her light brown tank top and black shorts. Good enough. It is summer after all. She walked downstairs and saw Varian, Eugene, Lance, and the girls sitting on the couch.

Raps hugged Cass as soon as she walked off the last step. "You look great!" She pecked her cheek and stepped back. She had on a purple t-shirt and white shorts. "Same to you, Raps."

She walked over to Varian. "Hey, Cassie. Haven't seen you in a while." The 16 year old alchemist hugged her and she hugged back. He'd certainly grown since last they saw each other. She looked at Eugene.

"Eugene." She said coldly.

"Cassandra." He returned, pronouncing her name incorrectly as he always did to piss her off.

"Hi, Aunt Cass!" Angry said, smiling. She ran to her and hugged her. "Can you keep teaching us fighting today?"

Cass laughed. "No not today. Sorry, kid. Hi Catalina."

Catalina waved at her. Lance stood up. "What nothing for me?"

Cass hugged him. "Nice to see you too, big guy." She laughed. She took a seat next to Raps and wrapped her arm over her shoulder.

"So, what do we do before the fireworks?" Varian asked. "I mean, if we are doing anything."

Eugene shrugged. "Visit maybe? We haven't seen each other in three years!"

Lance smiled. "Except Cassandra and Rapunzel."

Raps laughed. "That is true."

Cass smiled and looked at Varian. "So how's your job?"

"Pretty good. I'm about to get me and Ruddiger our own place." He looked down at the raccoon on his lap.

Eugene ruffled his black and gray hair. "Nice, kid." The two were good friends. Cass laughed as he shoved his hands off.

"What about you, Cassie?" He asked, smoothing out his hair.

Cass shrugged. "Nothing interesting. Raps wants to go to an art college next year and I might go into the army or something."

Angry and Catalina looked up at her. "Army? That's great Cass." Red said.


Cass and Raps lied on the blanket, fingers intwined, as the sun went down. Varian was off lighting the fireworks and the others had their own blankets.

Raps stared at the fireworks blasting in the sky. Red, green, pink, purple, blue, every color. "They're beautiful..." She mumbled happily.

Cass brushed Rapunzel's brown hair behind her ear. "Yeah. They are." Rapunzel scooted closer to her and rested her head near her shoulder. "So are you..." Cass kissed Raps' forehead.

Rapunzel looked up at her. "I love you, Cass." She said as an other firework went off.

"I love you too, Raps."

Cass leaned closer and their lips touched. After a few seconds, they broke apart. Cass smiled as Rapunzel looked back up at the fireworks.

Happy 4th of July, everyone!!

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