The "IT"

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This one was suggested by: FluttershyFizherbert

Here's who's who so you aren't confused. This one WILL contain many ocs.

Bill- Rapunzel
Stan- Connor (oc)
Eddie- Varian
Richie- Lance
Bev- Cassandra
Ben- Bry (oc)
Mike- Eugene
Georgie- Cecil (oc)

As everyone hugged Cass after saving her, Varian walked away, looking around. Cassandra looked up from the hug. "Where's Raps?" She said, looking at everyone.

Rapunzel looked behind the stream of water. She saw someone. Someone she could never forget. Her little brother's dark brown hair emerged from the stream. She gasped when she saw he only had one arm. The other had been bitten off. "Cecil..." She said, tears filling her eyes. He'd been missing the entire summer.

When Cecil spoke, his voice was wavering. "What took you so long?"

Rapunzel felt tears fall down her cheeks. "I-" She stammered. "I've been looking for you this whole time."

Cecil was crying softly, the tears making a clean path through his dirt covered face. He sounded hurt. Thirsty. Hungry. If he didn't get out of here soon...

"I couldn't find my way out of here" He moaned softly. He looked at her. Right in the eye. "He said I could have my boat back, Raps."

Rapunzel let out a quiet sob as she looked at her little brother. "Was she fast?" She said.

He looked down. "I've couldn't keep up with it."

A pang of sadness hit her. She remembered one of the last things she'd said to him.

You call boats she, Cece.


He'd taken the boat and hugged her tightly. Thanks Raps. When he let go, he giggled and ran downstairs.

Rapunzel took a shaky breath. "She, Cecil." She said, tears flowing down her cheeks. "We call boats she."

"Take me home, Raps." He said, crying.

Rapunzel heard everyone else run to them behind her, but she didn't care. She heard the sad and startled gasps. She ignored them. Her baby brother. She'd found her baby brother. She wasn't looking away. She wouldn't lose him again.

"I want to go home..." He said, voice breaking.

Rapunzel took deep breaths, sobbing with all of them.

"I miss you, I want to be with mom and dad." Rapunzel thought about how her parents would react if she'd told them or brought him home.

She opened her mouth to say something, then closed it, then spoke. "I want more than anything for you to be home..." She said, her voice breaking on the word home. Cecil was crying again, tears running. "With mom a-and dad..." her voice was shaking. She walked towards him. "I miss you so much..."

Cecil opened his mouth to say something, then closed it. He opened it again and said, "I love you, Raps."

Those four words did it. She felt a sharp pain in her heart almost immediately for what she was about to do. "I love you, too." She walked closer, and pulled out the gun Eugene had given her. Cecil began breathing hard and whimpering, loudly, terrified. Crying, she lifted it to his head. "But you're not Cecil."

He closed his eyes and she pulled the trigger.


After the battle, she saw a yellow item hanging off an old piece of debri. With a sharp pang, she realized it was Cece's old coat. Crying, she pressed it to her face, as the others surrounded her, comforting her and putting their hands on her shoulders.

Sorry if it SUCKS but I tried. Plus this was the saddest scene in the first movie.

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