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As Varian threw a rock he'd found in his cell up and down, he couldn't focus that well. He'd been there for about...what, 3, 4 months? He was humming to himself quietly. Humming the song that him and his mother had sang before she died. He smiled at the memory.

It was so quiet that he jumped when he heard a fist on his cell door. He looked at the door. There was a mustache guard. Stan. He thought. It was surprising that he knew him. He and Stan had never even talked. He put his head back down and went back to the rock.

"Whaddya want?" Varian snapped. He didn't have the patience for this moron.

"Varian." An other voice said. A female. He looked up. The blond hair was the first thing he saw. He groaned and sat up.

"Oh. Your highness." He said in a mocking sort of tone. "To what do I owe the pleasure of this private visit?" He turned to the small window. He didn't want to talk to her now. Or ever.

Varian, please." Rapunzel pleaded. "Listen to me."

That did it. He turned around to face her, furious. "No!" He shouted. He saw Stan tense and raise his sword a bit. "I will not listen to you! I am not a child, so don't a dress me as though I am!" She sat next to him, startled by his outburst.

"Varian..." She put a hand on his shoulder. He shoved it off. "Your father he..."

Varian looked at her, in despair, anger, and desperation. "What?" He sounded afraid. "What happened?"

"My father has been trying to fix the situation but..." His hope faded away.

"Do you want to talk about it?" She said, genuinely concerned for him.

"Not with you!" He shouted. "And for God's sake, Stan! Put the sword down!"

Stan seated the sword, but kept his hand on the handle.

"'s okay if yo-"

"Shut up!" He roared. She leaned backward, afraid.

He began crying. Sobbing.

"I miss him so much..." He cried.

Rapunzel reached out her arms. He accepted that he need one and returned the hug. He cried into her shoulder.

Though the tears were real... he didn't feel anything. Just one true thing.

He felt numb.

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