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Based off the scene Killing Is An addiction from the Seed of Chucky

Suggested by FluttershyFizherbert

Tiffany: Rapunzel
Chucky: Eugene
Glen/Glenda: Varian

Eugene tapped a dagger rhythmically on Varian's bed as they put Varian to sleep.

"Night-night, Varian." Rapunzel said, looking down at him. "Sleep tight."

Eugene just kept on tapping.

As she reached to turn off the light, Varian blurted, "leave it on." Rapunzel pulled her hand away.

"Aw, sweetie." She said, comfortingly. "There's nothing to be scared of. Your daddy and I will be right here."

Still. Eugene was tapping. He didn't stop until Varian looked up and asked the big question.

"Why do you kill people?"

"Excuse me?" Rapunzel asked, dazed.

"Why do you kill?" He repeated.

Eugene and Rapunzel looked at each other.

"Well uhm." Eugene spoke for the first time. "It's a hobby, really. It's...helps us relax."

"Am I going to be a killer?"

Eugene looked frustrated as he spoke. "Of course! It's been a family tradition for generations."

Varian looked at him innocently. "But violence is bad. Isn't it?" He looked back and forth between the two. "They said so on TV."

"Not violence." Eugene said. "Violins. Violins are bad. That screechy music's gonna ruin the goddamn country."

Rapunzel looked at him. "Eugene, Varian's right. It's time we owned up to it. We have a problem with killing."

"I don't have a 'problem"-air quotes-"with killing. I like a little killing now and then. What's wrong with that?"

"Killing is an addiction just like any other drug." She glared at him. "But we're parents now. We have to set a good example." She gasped and raised a hand to her chest. "Oh! Let's quit, Eugene!" She breathed, excited. "Right now! Cold turkey!"

Eugene stared at her, his face one of shock. "You have got to be kidding me."

She put a hand on his arm. "Promise me, Eugene. No more killing."



"No, no, no, no, no....."

He spoke while she spoke.

"No more killing, we can't do it anymore."

"No, nope, stop, nu-uh, no, no, no, a million times no...."

"We have a future to think of. We have a child!"

"Fine!" He yelled and slammed the dagger on the bed. "Alright, already. I promise."

She tapped his shoulder. "Thank you G-bug." She mumbled. "You're a sweetheart."

Varian smiled and looked back and both from Eugene to Rapunzel. "No, we really will be the perfect family."

They were so distracted that no one saw Eugene cross his fingers behind his back.

God I loved this scene so much XD

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