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Days went by as we all prepped for the war that was coming our way. the training was every day all day with little to no rests except to feed then they were to go back and train more.

Cai and I had spoken with Benjamin about him taking Rome and Cadia to Egypt with him so he will protect them and so they will be safe. He agreed to take them with him when he heads back. 

Cai and I talked with Rome and Cadia explaining to them what is happening, telling them that they will be going to visit a friend of mommies and that they will be well taken care of. That for a couple of weeks or more they will be staying with mommy's friend until mommy or daddy tells her friend that they are allowed back.

They were heartbroken but they understood what was going on. We told them just how much we loved them and will always love them as we helped them pack up some clothes for the amount of time they were to be in Egypt.

 I wrote a letter to Amun telling him why they are there and who is responsible for them.

 After they were all set and ready to go Caius and I had kissed them and hugged them before allowing Benjamin to take them to the private jet that we had awaiting their departure.

Since the twins and Benjamin left Cai and I have been working alongside Marcus and the others in prepping for this battle.


I had walked into the new training room with Caius and Marcus as we stood to the side and watched them all train.

Once they all seen we were there they stopped what they were doing and bowed.

"As you all know that in two days the battle or war whichever you want to call it, will be here. and from the looks of it and the time and effort put into training you all will be ready. Now we all know that it's normal attire for the Volturi to wear capes do to the sun and it protects our skin from sparkling. But I request that the day of the battle you all wear a shirt that has a hood built-in, some battle type pants, and combat boots. No Capes, Me, Caius, and Marcus will be doing the say. The reason so is they we will have more ability to fight and less for them to grab on to and pull us" I spoke.

"Now with that being said for those who have to the ability I want you to step forth to me," I said 

I stood there like the ones with no abilities came over to me. Then one by one and I shared ability with them from myself while I kept the ability.

"Now that you all have an ability I want you all to take this time and use them. that why when needed I want you to be able to control them and use them however you must. But that ability is not to be abused or used on your fellow guard in anger or stupidity. nor will it be used against your kings and queen."

"Yes, my Queen" they all spoke then bowed.

I smiled and bit them a good day before the three of us left and headed to the study to do more prep.

I stood still having the first vision in a while.

I stood there as I watched the whole war take place. I watched as they tried to do a sneak attack but we were ready and I had us protected with a shield.

Once the war was underway we had lost a few low-rank guards but guards non the less and they lost all but ten people on their side. 

I Cai went for Vlad while I went after Steph we ripped them apart and tossed them in the fire pit before we joined the others and killed the rest of their fighters.

Once the vision was over I looked at Cai and Marcus who was staring at me.

"Bene signori it looks as though we will begin in victory from the vision I just had and trust me these are not like that Seer that the Cullen's had where they change all the time, these are guaranteed," I tell them

"what is that you saw?" Marcus asked

I stood there and told them both what it was that I saw.

"So they lose everyone, themselves included and we loose some low ranked guards?" Caius asked

I nodded my head 

"Excellent," he said with his sneer smirk.

From there on we used everything that I told them that was used in the vision and we set it into our plan of action.


When the day of the battle arrived everyone did as I said with the tops that had hods made on them and battle pants along with combat boots.  I too went with the same attire.

We fought everyone and we used our abilities to help with the win

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We fought everyone and we used our abilities to help with the win. I targeted Steph and I fought him with everything I had in me. I threw him up in the air jumped up and slammed him down creaking his skin before I picked him up and tore his limbs off before tossing them along with his coven mate Vald's limbs into the fire.

After the war was won by us we all took care of our lost vampires that couldn't be fixed and we paid them respects before they too were tossed into the flame.

After while I had put the fire out and made the burnt area disappear.

They all headed home while Cai and I headed to Egypt and got our twins and took them back home with us where we set up a ball and had invited all of the remaining covens.

Caius's pov

 During that war against the remaining coven and their army, I was worried about my mate through I knew she could hold her own but I still was worried. 

When I looked over at her and watched as she tore through the vampires I focused on doing the same. I channeled my warrior and I let all hell break loose on any vampires that stood in my was and were a part of my coven.

When I got to Vlad I made sure he felt pain as he watched my mate destroyed his coven brother. After he had witnessed that I tore him limb from limb and tossed him away in the fire that my mate had created for us to fully rid of them all.

When it was all over and we had one we paid our respects to our lost guards then tossed them into the flame before everyone but Nessa and I left heading home while she and I headed to Egypt and got our twins then headed back where it was announced by Nessa that there will be a ball thrown in honor of our victory. She had sent invites out to all the reaming covens.


bene signori - well gentlemen

Caius's Hybrid (completed)Where stories live. Discover now