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I might have said I forgive Cai but thats only casue I dont want my pregnancy to be effect. Becasue once our beautiful hybrid is born and I heal up. Cai is gonan have hell to pay. 

Just casue I said I forgive him doesn't mean I do. Oh no, he accused the wrong hybrid of cheating, and he will soon learn that what he said to me was a big mistake.

He was with my for my last appointment/ ultrasound and he may or may not be with me for the birth. I really havent decided on that yet.


"So for names what have you gone with?" Rose and Jane asked me as we all three sat in the garden.

"Well for a boy I like that name Rome, and for a girl Arcadia" I replied

"Different from the other original names," Jane said 

" I don't want it their name to be like an everyday name I want them different" I replied

"like their mommy and them" Rosa said

I nodded my head in agreement.

After we talked some more I headed back inside with them till I felt the most painful feelign I had ever felt and I let out the most deafening scream before I came close to dropping. I was so glad that Jazzy was near by casue he caught me and took me to where the medical room where dr Katherine exsamined me.

 "It's a good thing I came today huh? "Dr. Kathrine said 

"Oh yea" I siad between the pain.

"Alright I will give you a epidural for you human side then from there I will begin the birthing process" she explained.

I looked at Jane.

"you go tell Caius  and I mean tell him this word for word, If he doesnt get here in less that a second I will threw fire balls at him" I tell her

she nodded and dissapeared.

Jazz stepped out while Rose stayed by my side and held my hand so when a contracting hit I could squeeze.

I screamed when I heard a ripping sound. 

"Change of plans" Dr.Katherin said

I didn't have time to ask what she meant jsut felt like I was being ripped opened . I watched as she cut my stomach and then where my baby was.

"I am here baby" 

"Fuckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk" I cried out as the pain worsened

"Cai came over and took my hand and dissmissed Rosa who left while Dr. Katherine removed Cai's and my baby and held them up.

"Beautiful baby boy" she said

"Rome Volturi," I said

She nodded hear head and allowed Cai to cut the cord before she handed Rome to her nurse and went to stich me up but made and odd face before reaching back in and pulling abouther baby out of me.

"Baby girl Arcadia Volturi," I said before everything went black.

Cai's pov

I was in the the liabrary with my brothers and heard a soft scream I looked at my brothers who shrugged and we went back to what we was doing till someone knocked.

"Come in"Aro said to them

Jane walked in

"Sorry to intruput but Queen said for me to tell Master Caius that If he doesnt get here in less that a second she will threw fireballs at him" Jane said 

I closed my book and went up to Jane.

"Where is she.. is she ok?"

"She is in labor in the medical room" Jane said 

"With that said I dissapeared in a flash and walked into the room and had ROsa leave while I stood with my wife and held her hand while Dr. Katherin reached into her and pulled our baby boy out.

"Rome Volturi" Nessa said

Dr. Katherin nodded and allowed my to cut the cord before handing him off to the nurse then looked back about to stich Nessa up but made and odd face before reaching back inside Nessa and pulled a baby girl out.

"Arcadia Volturi" Ness said then passed out.

I clipped the cord as Arcadia was handed off to the nurse while Dr. Katherin took care of sticking up Nessa.

"Bite her, so it will make her vampire side kick in and full help her" Dr.Katherin said

I moved Nessa's hair to the side and bite her neck before pulling back and waited.

 When nothing happened I looked at Dr. Katherin.

"Why isn't anything happening" I asked getting angry.

"It is sir,"Dr. Katherin said then pointed to where she hald sitched and seen Nessa's body start healing its self and look like she was never cut.

I sat beside Nessa as her body healed its self.

"WOuld you like to hold your babies?" Katherin asked

I looked over at her and nodded. She took Rome And Cadia fro mthe nurse and brought them over to me and told me how to do my arms before gently placing them in my arms.

They had their mother's eyes. Rome looks like me, while Cadia looks like Nessa.

"We will go now, give Nessa time to fully heal and the family time to be alone" Dr. Kathrine said 

"Thank you" was all I said as I stared at my babies that Nessa carried for three months.

When the doors closed Nessa stired a bit before her eyes started to move till she opened them and blinked a few times before groaning.

"Ouch" she said 

I smiled and looked at her.

"Hello mommy" I said 

She slowly sat up and looked at me before she looked at our babies in my arms and she melted. Before reaching for them.

So I slowly stood up and handed her Rome first before Cadia.

"OH Cai, they are beautiful and perfect" she said while she looked at our babies.

"Yea they are, thank you for carrying them" I said 

she looked at me and I noticed a look in her eye.

"You never fully forgave me did you? just said you did casue you wanted to have a safe pregnancy."

She smirked and nodded.

"I am gonna be in hell won't I?" 

"You got it" she said then looked at our babies before she maneuvered the top of her dress down and let our babies nurse from her.

 "I will take it" I tell her.

"Oh you will not have a choice" she replied not once taking her eyes from our babies.

I nodded my head as I sat at her feet and watched her nurse our twins.

Caius's Hybrid (completed)Where stories live. Discover now