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"Wait, you...woke up here?"

Taeyong nodded, "When I opened my eyes, I was already in a same room."

Jaehyun tilted his head to the side as he carefully grabbed Taeyong's clothed wrist and pulled him closer with his eyes still on the boy's eyes. He was somehow felt interested knowing the boy. What's happening between them is odd.

"They can't see you, can they? But I can," Jaehyun uttered, "Are you a ghost?"

"You can't touch me if I'm a ghost."

The man's hand went to hold the boy's hand and rubbed the smooth palm with his thumb unconsciously. They were staring at each other's eyes, as if they had something. The boy's fingers were slim and the man's hand was about caress the boy's wrist but he stopped.

"Hey, Jae, you there?"

Jaehyun pulled his hand away and looked away.

"Yeah. Sorry if I left early," Jaehyun shouted.

"It's fine. You didn't see Yuta leaving someone unconscious though," Mark uttered.

The man chuckled, "Too bad. Tell me about it tomorrow!"


Jaehyun sighed and settled himself on his bed. Taeyong just stood there, he doesn't know what he should do. It's just his first time being in someone else's room. Speaking of bedroom, Taeyong doesn't remember being in his.

"This whole thing that's happening to us is weird and I want to hear what's on your mind," Jaehyun uttered while on his phone.

Taeyong sat down on the floor, just enough to level himself, "Well, this is my first time. I got really terrified when I knew people couldn't see me."

"Do you remember anything before this happened?" the man placed his phone down and placed his attention on the boy.

The boy sighed and tried remembering his past that might be the reason why it triggered this scenario. But nothing came into mind. It felt it his mind was a blank and the only thing he could remember is when he was inside Jaehyun's room.

Taeyong shook his head, "I...I can't remember anything."

Jaehyun shuffled ontop of his bed and faced the boy, "Somehow I feel like I know you..."

"Same here...How 'bout you? Do you remember me from somewhere?"

It is a big mystery to them. Looking at each other's eyes just makes the feeling stronger. Have they saw each other in their past life? Could be. But it was something different.


Taeyong sighed, "What a bumper."

Jaehyun chuckled and sat up. He didn't bother and grabbed a cloth before he took a hold of his bat to somehow clean it. Taeyong saw this and he immediately gasped. Jaehyun suddenly panicked.

Hot tears started streaming down Taeyong's cheeks and terror was evident on his eyes. The boy pushed him away from the man until his back met the wall. Screams and cries echoed through his mind, finding himself being in a dark place.

"Taeyong?" Jaehyun called. He was lost with words.

Taeyong cried and was mumbling something. He was chanting as he hugged himself tightly. Jaehyun slowly placed the bat down on his bed before he walked up and sat infront of the scared boy. His hands were about to touch Taeyong but the boy pushed him away.

"D-Don't touch me! P-Please...Don't h-hurt me..."

Jaehyun felt confused.

"I'm not, Taeyong. I won't," Jaehyun uttered, assuring the boy that he won't do anything bad.

Taeyong whimpered and slowly his eyes went to look at the man. His heart was beating too fast from all the flashbacks, but suddenly it became a blur. He stopped crying and the tears started staining his cheeks. Just seeing his crying face made Jaehyun remember something.

He remembered a blurry face of a crying boy while being beaten up with a bat. Jaehyun went confused when knew that it was his bat because of the design. Then his head ached.


Taeyong sniffled and wiped his face, "I-I'm sorry if I scared you..."

"No, I'm sorry if I scared you," the man uttered, "Did the bat...made you remember anything?"

The boy stuttered, "I-I don't know...but I just panicked a-and had a flashback about someone hurting me--"

"No one's going to hurt you."

Taeyong saw assurance in Jaehyun's eyes and just hearing those words suddenly made him feel safe. Jaehyun was never the type to say something like to anyone. For some reason, he felt that he needed to say it to the crying boy.

For the first time, he felt guilty.

In the next morning, Jaehyun was already in his uniform. All of them were in their school uniforms and eating their breakfast. As usual, they'd be talking about whatever's worth talking about. It wasn't obvious but Jaehyun has something else in his mind.

Whatever that's happening to him isn't a funny matter.

"And then Yuta started punching the shit out of that bastard," Mark spoke.

Yuta chuckled, "Eh, that fucker started it. He fucking asked if he could get Sicheng's number."

Jaehyun laughed, "You fucking lost the chance to have a threesome."

"If I want a threesome, I'll call you."

"Anyway, last night, I heard thuds from your room. Anything okay, Jaehyun?" Johnny asked.

The said man nodded, "Yeah. I'm good."

"Or maybe they were just fucking," Donghyuck uttered that made everyone to look at him, "You don't know."

Jaehyun sighed at the boy. He was playing with his food, suddenly had his mind on Taeyong. He should bring some food later. Does he even eat?

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