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"Oh, hey, you're here."

Taeyong smiled as he walked up closer to the shirtless man by the window as it slowly rains. The boy sat down on the bed and watched the man smoke by the window. Jaehyun took a deep breath before he blew out some smoke again and threw the cigarette. He remembered about Taeyong getting bad flashbacks from it so he didn't mind throwing it though he wasn't finished with it.

Jaehyun shuts the window and walked to the bathroom to clean his mouth. It took him some minutes before he walked out and turned to face Taeyong. The boy was still in his sweater and jeans. The man hummed and walked to his closet.

"Change your clothes for a while. Your thighs might be suffocating," Jaehyun uttered.

"I-I don't want to cha--"

The man threw a pair of shorts to the boy. Taeyong looked at it before he went to look at Jaehyun.

"Wear those atleast."

Taeyong sighed. Jaehyun walked up to the light switch and was about to turn the lights off.

"H-Hey! What a-are you doing?" the boy asked.

The man shrugged, "I'm going to turn the lights off so you could change."

"But I'm scared."

Jaehyun crossed his arms and shrugged, "Okay, fine."

Taeyong stood up and turned his back to Jaehyun. Before the man could even look away, his eyes were already glued on the boy wiggling his jeans off of his thighs. Taeyong was trying his hardest but he was quite struggling with how skinny his jeans were.

Jaehyun wanted to help, but putting the dirty thoughts away, he lets Taeyong do it instead. In fact, he was enjoying watching Taeyong.

Those thighs were just begging Jaehyun to grope and bite on--

Fucking calm down, Jaehyun, he thought to himself.

Taeyong threw the jeans on the floor and wore the shorts that Jaehyun gave. Fortunately, he didn't see the man staring at his thighs. He would've been a tomato. Jaehyun just looked away.

The man went to his bed and laid down. The boy sat on the edge and folded his jeans to place it by the bedside table. Suddenly, it thundered and the lights flickered.

Taeyong jolted and screamed which made him to immediately jumped on Jaehyun. The man groaned at the sudden weight on his body. The boy was gripping his shoulders tightly and has his face buried on the man's neck.

"Hey, it's alright," Jaehyun uttered.

Taeyong shivered and looked around. He sat up and Jaehyun just has to notice their position. The boy looked by the window and saw water trickling down the glass. It is heavily raining tonight which made it chilly a bit.

Then Taeyong went back to see where he was sitting on. His sweater paws were on the man's bare chest and he was straddling him by the waist. Instead of getting embarrassed because of the position, something made it even more embarrassing.

"A-Ah! Fuck, Mark, wa--Ah! Ah~"

Taeyong's face went red. The tension between them made it worse because of what Mark and Donghyuck doing in the other room, beside Jaehyun. The boy immediately went down and sat beside the man.

"I'm sorry about that," Jaehyun uttered in a calm tone, like it's normal.

Taeyong nodded timidly. Then silence took over. It was an awkward one. The rain mixing with the loud thuds and moans from the other room mixed and the both of them were too shy to talk. Jaehyun wasn't bothered about the noises, it was just the atmosphere.

"Anyway, I read something in a book. I didn't get any information that much though. All I tried figuring out is that you're still finding something. You aren't finish and I'd say you're a ghost, whether you like it or not, babe," Jaehyun uttered.


The man nodded, "Maybe if we'll be able to make your memories come back, then--"

"I'll be normal."

"Something like that," Jaehyun uttered.

Taeyong nodded, "Okay. Then we'll have to find a trigger or something."

"Well, my bat and cigarettes were so far your triggers," Jaehyun said then he hummed.

His eyes scanned the boy until his eyes were to the boy's knees. He sat up and his hands went to caress the knees that looked like they were scarred and went broken before. Taeyong went to look at his knees and saw them as well. His eyes went to look at Jaehyun's that were looking back at him.

"Anything you remembered from these?" the man asked.

Taeyong stopped and jolted at the sudden gush of memory. He even held his breath which made him panting. The flashback of someone using a bat to break his knees terrified him. Suddenly, his knees became numb and his eyes became watery.

Jaehyun intently looked at the boy's pretty irises. Unconsciously, he gently pulled Taeyong closer to him. He wrapped his arm around the boy's shoulder to comfort him.

"You know what, I'll just help you remember everything. I know it'll hurt but maybe it's just the way to make everything clearer."

Taeyong snuggled close to Jaehyun. His arms wrapping around the man's body and his head leaning on the neck. His breath ghosting over the man's skin and small sniffles were heard.

"I feel safe with you, Jaehyun."

The man sighed and rubbed his hand on the boy's arm. He didn't say anything. They just stayed like that for some minutes. Their hearts started beating for some reason. Both of them never felt something like this before it was soothing and they felt right.

They ended up sleeping with Taeyong in Jaehyun's arms.

Then the next morning came with Taeyong gone, again.

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