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"I said, kneel!"

In an empty playground, Mark shouted at the poor boy who tried to mock Donghyuck. The others were leaning against the wall, just watching the scene unfold. It was the early evening and they were already making fun of the boy since they left school. Well, it wouldn't be like this if he didn't piss Mark.

"What do you want me to break, babe? I wanna break some of his ribs," Mark uttered as he was swinging the bat, preparing himself to impact.

"How 'bout his neck? That would be exciting," Donghyuck clapped excitingly.

"I'm not in the mood to kill someone," the man said and gave his boyfriend a peck.

The boy pouted, "Okay, then."

The gang was cheering as they watched Mark was about to hit. Jaehyun was smoking, enjoying the moment while it lasts. He thought breaking a neck would be fun next time. Hopefully, he won't bust a nerve.

"Tell him don't do it!"

Jaehyun coughed which caught everyone's attention. Johnny pats his back while the man coughed and threw his cigarette away. Jaehyun cleared his throat.

"Fuck," Jaehyun uttered.

"What happened, big boy?" Donghyuck asked and teased at the same time.

The man shook his head, "Nothing," and looked over infront to see the familiar boy again.

Everyone went to do what they should be doing. Jaehyun crossed his arms and furrowed his eyebrows at Taeyong who just suddenly appeared. The boy was shaking his head and walked up closer to the man. It was an advantage that no one can see him but for Jaehyun, it wasn't the right time.

"Stop this," Taeyong uttered.

Jaehyun sighed and looked away as he secretly shook his head. He doesn't want anyone to think he's crazy. Though it's surprising to see the boy outside of his room.

"It hurts me...Please," the boy begged.

The man shook his head again. He was surprised when Taeyong grabbed his hand and looking at him straight into the man's eyes. Jaehyun's eyes stuttered until it settled staring at Taeyong's. The boy was beautiful under the moonlight.

Wait, what?

"I was bullied, okay?"

Jaehyun's didn't make it obvious but he was shocked.

"I would always go home with a busted eye, bruises and cuts. I'm weak, okay? But I didn't deserve it, did I? Neither does he."

In Taeyong's eyes, there was so much regret and uneasiness. Something inside Jaehyun made him want to hug this boy. The man looked away, not being able to look at him anymore. The grip around his hand tightened and heard another please from the boy.

In the middle of the sound of whimpers and loud thuds, Jaehyun groaned.

"Stop, that's enough," Jaehyun uttered and saw Taeyong's lips became a smile.

Mark huffed, "Why? Your dick got soft all of a sudden?"

The man furrowed his eyebrows, "Shut that asshole, Mark. I just...feel sick all of a sudden and I want to take some rest."

Mark sighed and swung his bloody bat back on his shoulder. Jaehyun clicked his tongue and walked away from his gang, leaving his bat to Johnny. He scratched his neck then puts his hands into his pockets. Taeyong skipped his way and walked beside Jaehyun with a wide smile.

"I want to thank you," Taeyong uttered.

Jaehyun rolled his eyes, "It wasn't because of you."

The boy shrugged, "Whether it is or not, I want to thank you on behalf of the boy."

The man sighed. They walked back to the apartment with the man feeling a bit frustrated. Jaehyun doesn't even know why he agreed to stopping the fun they were having. As much as he's frustrated, he couldn't get himself to get mad at the boy.

Honestly speaking, Jaehyun did because of Taeyong. He felt guilty again.

Jaehyun sighed and grabbed the box of cigarettes from his pocket. He gets one and lit it up. He puts the box back and blew up smoke. He clicked his tongue.

"Why do you smoke?"

The man took a glimpse of the boy beside him before he breathes in and blows the smoke out.

"I get frustrated so I smoke to let it all out...Sometimes, I just smoke if I'm feeling too nervous, too excited," Jaehyun answered.

Taeyong nodded, "I remembered I was bullied when I got to smell that."

The man furrowed his eyebrows at him.

"Though I remembered I was bullied, the faces were blurry and it just cuts from there. I still don't know what happened next," the boy added.

"My bat also triggered your memory, huh?" Jaehyun asked.

"Somehow, it did," Taeyong answered.

Looking at the boy, he was still in the same clothing. Jaehyun thought he might give him some of his instead. Despite everything, he remembered about bringing some food to the boy later when they get back.

"Do you want me to throw the cigarette?"

Taeyong looked back at him. He looked hesitant but Jaehyun just threw it away anyway even if Taeyong didn't say anything. It was quite obvious that the boy didn't like the smell of cigarettes. The man cleared his throat.

"Thank you..." Taeyong uttered lowly.

Jaehyun looked away, "Just be honest with me. I don't like people who don't answer my questions."

The boy nodded, "Okay."

For a moment, he was just a mindless guy having fun watching somebody hurting people but right now, he felt a pup following his owner's orders. Jaehyun just sighed at the thought. He didn't expect this.

The both of them didn't expect it.

Something inside of him went soft whenever he's with the boy. He doesn't like the feeling of it though. He's known to be the most dangerous guy on their place then all of a sudden someone came into his life, changing everything in him. Most people would find someone special if they were able to change someone. Jaehyun wasn't really thinking about it but maybe he does have something for Taeyong.

He felt something for Taeyong. Even when they first met, something blossomed.

"Seemed like everything you have reminds me of my past," Taeyong uttered.

Jaehyun nodded, "Unfortunately."

"Maybe you were my past lover?" the boy asked.

"I never had someone, Taeyong."

"You have me now, Jaehyun. Whatever is happening to us, it's special."

The boy hummed as he looked at the man beside him while they walk down the quiet road. He put a sweet smile which caught the cold hearted man's attention. Jaehyun felt those stupid so-called butterflies and his heart suddenly beating fast.

"Everything leads me to you."

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