Bella 'Meets' the Cullens

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I woke up to Bella jumping on me once I looked at the clock that said 5am I looked at her and if looks could kill she'd be dead. Once she saw my eyes she smiled and drug me to her room and sat me at her computer where I saw vampires the speed, the pale skin, the coldness, the special abilities, the never eating, the not going in sun. It was all right in front of me. The one thing i wanted to be real were my best friends.

She stared at me and I said "I love how you believe google but never me when I told you I believed in vampires." We sat on her bed and talked for a good hour and a half about what it means and what she will do. She decided to confront him in the woods today. I however am going to quietly talk to Jasper in class to let him know I know and understand why he couldn't tell me.

About 630am I went to my room, showered and dressed in this.

And threw Carlisle's hoodie on as well

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And threw Carlisle's hoodie on as well. My hair went in a bun and I grabbed my smoothie and was off to school. Once at school which I beat Bella mind you, I joined my friends. Emmett placed me on the hood of his Jeep and leaned next to me I closed my eyes and leaned back and casually said "I know"

I felt all their stares so I opened my eyes and indeed saw them all staring at me shocked. Then Bella walked past Edward who had just arrived and into the woods with him following her. Jasper said "hold up you know and you are just casually sitting on our car?" I said "yep" Rose said "unbelievable!" With that the bell rang no one moved so I said "are we gonna go to class or what are we doing?" They shook their heads and Em and Jazz held their hands out so I grabbed them and they pulled me down and we all walked to class.

After school I went home and Bella wasn't home yet so I grabbed an apple and went to do home work. She came home that night and explained all she had learned. And said Edward was taking her to school in the morning.

When morning came I got dressed in this

Threw on black Sandals and his hoodie and drove to school after saying hello to Edward

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Threw on black Sandals and his hoodie and drove to school after saying hello to Edward. We really don't see Charlie much dinner is about all he is in bed before us and gone before we wake.

Bella sat with us at lunch today so that was a little weird we talked and Bella ate. Rose kept glaring at Bella so I don't think she likes her very much. After lunch me, Emmett, and Rose had the same class so once we were seated I said "so why were you glaring at Bella?" And Rose said "because I don't like her. Why does she get to be happy and you don't?" I said "I am happy Rose I have you guys as friends. And yeah I'm not with Carlisle but it's ok because he doesn't even know I like him." Emmett said "she also doesn't like the fact that humans know about us. It brakes the rules" Rose grabbed my hand and said "I love you and I knew we were gonna tell you eventually, however, I just wanted to wait because now if anyone finds out you know you'll be in danger." I hugged her and said "I understand."

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