Bella's birthday and Pregnant Nova!

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The entire summer was fun and exiting I spent my time with my sister, boyfriend, and best friends. We have been back to school for a whole week. I am absolutely in love with my life, today however is Bella's birthday so Charlie followed me into her room and I pounced on her bed screaming "HAPPY BIRTHDAY BELLA!!!!" She jumper awake and glared at me.

I just smiled innocently she is finally 18 and in 4 months I will be. She said "no presents" I giggled and said "I don't care" Charlie said "this one is from your mother and mine doesn't count, it's not wrapped. We coordinated... well she coordinated me" Bella took the camera and unwrapped moms gift Charlie said "it's a scrapbook to put your memories from senior year in it. Man senior year how did you get old so fast." She said "it's not that old" he smiled and said "I don't know is that a grey hair?" She jumped out of bed.

She went to the mirror and searched for grey hair then looked at him and said "not funny" she laughed and said "happy birthday" then he left the room. Bella sat back on her bed and grabbed the box from my hands. She unwrapped it and said "this is beautiful" it was a 5X10 picture frame and inside was a picture of all of us. Bella wrapped in Edwards arms, Alice in jaspers, rose in Emmetts, I was standing next to Bella and in front of Carlisle I had my arm looped in Bella's. And Carlisle had his arms wrapped around my waist, me, Bella, Edward, and Carlisle are in the middle. The edge of the frame said "not family by blood but family by heart. Families are forever."

She hugged me tightly and said "I appreciate this so much. But what if Charlie sees?" I said "so I'm grounded for 4 months oh well" she hung it up and I left to get dressed in this.

I drove to school and parked in my spot

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I drove to school and parked in my spot. I met up with Alice and them but Edward wasn't here yet. Bella pulled in and went to her friends and took a picture of them. Alice said "how did she like the gift?" I said "she loved it thank you for your help" then Edward pulled in and Jake said hi to me before heading toward Bella with a dream catcher.

We started walking inside Alice, Jasper, and I waited for Bella to come inside then we went up to her and Alice said "happy birthday Bella!" Bella shushed her and Alice said "here" she shoved a box into her hands then Bella said "I thought I said no presents" Alice said "you did but I saw you open it and you love it, wear it tonight, our place" Bella said "I don't like parties" I nudged Jazz and he used his gift until Bella said "alright fine" we went to walk away when Bella said "Jasper no fair with the mood control" he said "sorry Bella, Happy.... never mind" then we went to class.

I didn't feel good today but I went to the Cullens after school anyway, I parked in my spot in the garage putting my keys on the hook. Once I was inside the house my hand on my stomach Alice said "room" I saluted her and went to Carlisles room. On the bed was a really pretty dress, I picked it up and saw a pregnancy test. I paled, but grabbed the test and locked the door before going to his bathroom to take it.

While o waited for it I showered and dressed in this.

Once I was ready I looked at the test and sat on the bed staring at the word 'pregnant' this cannot be happening oh hell

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Once I was ready I looked at the test and sat on the bed staring at the word 'pregnant' this cannot be happening oh hell. I took a deep breath and the door wiggled then I heard "it's Alice" I unlocked the door and let her in she put it in a bag and put it in a locked box shoving it behind all my clothes from when I spend the night.

I took a deep breath and let her pull me downstairs before going back up to get Bella. Carlisle wrapped his hands around my stomach and said "are you ok?" I smiled at him and said "perfect, but we need to talk later, I have news for you" he nodded and kissed me then we heard Bella come down.

The party was going great until she got to Carlisle's gift. Plane tickets which he told her and as she went to open it she got a paper cut. Edward threw her back and everyone tried to catch jasper after braking the piano Emmett caught him Alice and I ran up to jasper I made him look at me and said "Jasper you are ok" I went with him, Rose, Alice, and Emmett outside. Edward eventually joining us.

I sat next to him and leaned on him Jasper had his arm around my shoulders. I said "it's ok Jazz" he sighed and Alice said "jasper it happens" he looked at us and said "I just tried to attack your sister how can you stand to be near me let alone leaning on me?" I said "simple I know who you are jasper, you didn't mean to it wasn't your fault. I know you won't hurt me I trust you, I trust all of you"

Edward leaned against a tree while the rest of us sat in a circle just talking and laughing to distract his guilt. After awhile he went inside and we all slowly went in as well. Bella and Edward were gone. I hugged Carlisle and said "can we talk now?" He said "not tonight Nova I think you should go" I kissed him and said "fine but we have to talk soon, it's important" he nodded and kissed me then I left. I went home and went to bed.

The next couple of days they were not at school and no one was answering my calls. I was pissed, I woke up and got dressed in this.

Instead of heading to school I headed to their house and parked in my spot and used my key to get inside

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Instead of heading to school I headed to their house and parked in my spot and used my key to get inside. I froze because the house was packed up and the only people here were Alice, Edward, and Carlisle.

This pissed me off even more I said "what the hell is going on?" Carlisle took me up to his room and said "we are leaving" I said "like hell you are. I needed to talk to you and all you care about is getting away from me?" He said "Novalyn I love you, what was it you need to talk about?" I grabbed the box and unlocked it opening it up moved out of the way and pointed to it and said "I'm pregnant you and I are having a baby." Confused he went toward the box and I left the room. I went down and hugged Alice I said "I guess this is goodbye if he leaves I may never forgive him"

Edward was shocked, Alice said "but what about my little brother or sister?" I said "the baby will know of you Alice I promise. You actually knowing the baby will be determined by what your father does." I went outside and got to the door of my jeep. When I heard "Novalyn I love you and I love that we are gonna have a child but... I have to do what's best for you. I am leaving." I turned to face him and said "don't you dare say your doing what's best for me, leaving your pregnant girlfriend is not what is best. Your doing it for yourself, if you leave now don't ever come back." I took the test from his hand and got in my Jeep and sped to school. I stuck the test in my bag and went to class.

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