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Once in the car and we drove away I got a phone call from Charlie.
Charlie: Nova where are you?
Nova: you said I could spend the night with Alice
Charlie: just making sure Bella ran away back to Phoenix
Nova: yeah Edward just got back and told Carlisle she left they are going to try and convince her to come back they are leaving in the morning. Can I go with Edward and Carlisle?"
Charlie: Absolutely be safe and listen to Carlisle.

With that I hung up and Alice had texted Carlisle about my conversation. The next day I woke up being carried, Bella and Alice were checking us in so I stayed like I was asleep though I know that he knows I am not asleep. Once in the room Bella laid in the bed and I was set on the couch and covered with a blanket so I fell back asleep.

I woke up and saw a bowl of fruit and Bella nibbling on a strawberry. So I grabbed a bowl and sat back on the couch. Bella said "have you heard from him?" Alice said "Bella not hearing from them is a good thing it means James and Victoria are too close to them." She nodded and kept looking out the window.

I sighed and Jasper said "bored?" I nodded and he sat next to me when Alice froze we all looked at her and Jasper said "Alice what do you see?" She said "mirrors, a room full of mirrors" jasper gave her a Pen and paper and she drew a dance studio. Bella said "aren't her visions always changing?" Jasper says "she sees the course someone is on while they are on it, if they change their minds the vision changes." Bella said "so the tracker is at a dance studio?" Alice and jasper looked at her.

Alice said "you've been here?" Bella said "Nova and I took lessons as kids" Alice looked from me to her and said "do you have any reason to go back?" Bella said "no I was terrible and Nova doesn't like class she prefers to teach herself" then Bella's phone rang. She talked to Edward and then passed the phone to me so I said
Nova: hello?
??: Novalyn are you ok?
Nova: Carlisle? Yeah now that I know you are
Carlisle: we lost him Rose is gonna protect your father the rest of us are coming to get you and Edward wants to take Bella somewhere till we find him. I love you
Nova: I'll see you soon

He hung up and I whispered "I love you too" I gave Bella her phone and went down with Alice and Jasper while Bella packed her bag. I didn't bring any clothes. We all went to the airport and sat for a few hours waiting on them Bella said she had to use the restroom so Jasper took her. I saw Carlisle and ran to him to hug him.

He hugged me back and whispered "if you want to not let someone know what you want to say make sure the phone is hung up" I blushed and kept my arms around him. Jasper came back and I said "where's Bella?" He said "I don't know she went into the bathroom and never came out so I went in and it was empty"

I stopped to think and said "what floor are we on?" Alice said "3 why?" I said "she ran off probably to meet James" jasper said "I never moved my eyes from the door" I said "I know the women's bathroom on this floor has two doors but the second door is kind of hidden we used to use it to get candy while Renee let us go to the bathroom."

Edward took off running Alice and Jasper followed I said "Emmett go help them please and save my sister" Carlisle said "I'm gonna drive Novalyn there and we will meet you" since we were in Arizona and not forks we held hands and he rented a car once in the car I said "this has made me realize I can't live without you" Carlisle said "in that case will you be my girlfriend?" I nodded and said "of course" he leaned into me and kissed me so I closed my eyes and kissed him back.

He pulled away and said "we have to save your sister" I nodded and gave him directions to the studio. We walked in hand and hand and heard Bella scream. Carlisle sped to her and I ran once there he had already had Alice's belt and tied it around Bella's leg I sat by her head and grabbed her hand then saw the bite I said "Carlisle her hand" he looked up and saw the note mark Edward came over and Carlisle said "Alice go help your brother" she got up and went to help Emmett and Jasper. Edward said "what do I do" Carlisle grabbed me so Edward could be next to her and said make a choice" he said "no she can't be one of us" Alice said "I've seen it Edward." He growled and said "Carlisle what other options are there" he said "you can suck the venom out" Bella was still screaming while they argued and Carlisle said "if your going to do something this is your last chance"

Finally Edward bit Bella and sucked the venom out of her. They had also managed to rip James apart and burn him. Edward grabbed Bella as she passed out and ran her to the hospital we followed in the car while Alice, Jasper, and Emmett went back to forks. Before we went into the hospital I said "what do I tell Charlie?" Edward said "make it a Bella believable story." I said "how do I explain the bite" Edward said "don't mention it and it will stay wrapped till it heals then it won't be noticeable to the human eye unless you are looking for it." I nodded and called Charlie.

Charlie: hello?
Nova: hey dad it's me I'm ok but Bella is in the hospital
Charlie: What the hell happened?!?
Nova: I convinced Bella to come to the hotel and talk to Carlisle, Edward and I and on her way she tripped on her shoelace and fell down the stairs and out a window. Carlisle is working on her but you need to get down here and I've gotta call Bella's mom.
Charlie: on my way!

I hung up the phone and nodded for Edward and Carlisle to take her in then called Renee.

Renee: hey baby
Nova: hey auntie Renee I'm ok but Bella and I are in Phoenix and she is in the hospital I will explain when you get here.
Renee: ok baby I am in the first flight.

I hung up and went inside, And met Carlisle and Edward In Bella's room. I shit the door and hugged Carlisle and he said "only time will tell Nova" I nodded and he kissed me so I kissed back.

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