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I helped Bella get ready for prom and then went downstairs and said "introducing Ms. Isabella Swan!" Bella came down the stairs in a walking boot and a purplish blue dress. Charlie looked at me and said "so why are you not going?" I looked at Bella and Edward then said "no date dad" he nodded and said "you look beautiful Bella." She smiled and Edward said "I'll keep her safe chief" he said "yeah I heard that before" they left after Charlie told her he put more pepper spray in her purse.

After they left I said "ok I'm gonna get ready" he looked at me and said "where are you going?" I said "the hut" he nodded and I dressed in this.

I grabbed my bag, phone, granola bars, and some water bottles, Then I left

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I grabbed my bag, phone, granola bars, and some water bottles, Then I left. it takes about 2 hours to hike to my little hut, I claimed it because it is so deep into the woods no one ever found it. Once I got to the location I moved the vines and opened the trap door before climbing in.

I set everything down and since it was sunny I changed into this.

Then went out and laid in the sun on a blanket

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Then went out and laid in the sun on a blanket. I laid on my back for two hours then flipped to my stomach and an hour later I heard "we'll isn't this a beautiful sight" I knew that voice I looked up and saw Carlisle I said "what are you doing out here?" He sat next to me and said "I was looking for you of course" I rolled over so I was leaning on my hands and facing him.

I said "like what you found?" He smiled and said "I found the most beautiful person in the world I am very happy." I smiled and kissed him then said "except I'm not that beautiful" I kissed him again before he could argue with me. We talked for hours and of course stole kisses every now and then. I could talk to this man forever and never get bored. My phone rang and I answered.

??: Novalyn are you gonna be home for dinner?
Nova: what time is it?
Charlie: um 8pm
Nova: yeah it will take like 2 hours to get back so I'll head back now.
Charlie: ok

I hung up my phone and Carlisle said "if you want to stay longer I can have you home in 5 minutes." I smiled and said "absolutely" I brought him into the hut and lit the lanterns. We laid on the bed of blankets and he kissed me so I kissed back pulling him over me. I unbuttoned his shirt and he said "Novalyn are you one hundred percent sure you want this? Me?" I said "I have never been surer of anything else in my life. please?" He nodded and said "have you had sex before?" I said "no is that a problem?" He smiled and said "no it makes me happy that I am the only man you had and will have sex with" he untied my top and the fun began.

(1 hour and 45 minutes later later)

I got up to put on my hiking clothes and grab my now empty bag and phone. Once we were out of the hut I hugged him and kissed him and said "thank you for today, it was way better than prom" he smiled at me and said "I love you Nova" I said "I love you too Carlisle" he picked me up and sped me to just inside the tree line of my house I hugged him one last time before I walked out of the tree line and into the yard.

I opened the door and said "I'm home" Charlie said "did you have fun sweetie?" I said "yeah absolutely I sun bathed, ate my snacks and took a nap" he nodded and I grabbed dinner then went to shower and laid down. Then as soon as my door opened and Bella came in my phone rang. I answered the phone putting it on speaker I said "Ali you are on speaker with Bella and I."

Alice: how was it?
Nova: how was what?
Alice: you and Carlisle in a secret little hut in the woods?
Bella: Nova did you...?
Nova: yes we did and it was amazing but shh Charlie is awake. I don't want him to know
Bella: how was it since you were like me and uh...?
Nova: it hurt for a few seconds but he was gentle until I got used to it and it was pure bliss.
Alice: wait you were a Virgin?
Nova: well not anymore but yeah I was but I got to go because you are very loud.

I hung up the phone and put it on the charger. Bella left to her room and I went to sleep.

The next morning I woke up and dressed in this since it was cold.

 Then I met Bella downstairs so dragged me to her truck and shoved me inside

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Then I met Bella downstairs so dragged me to her truck and shoved me inside. Taking off she drove to the Cullens house and she dragged me inside. Edward said "morning girls" we said "morning Edward" I yanked my arm out of her grasp and headed for the kitchen saying "Jazz I got kidnapped and need breakfast"

Once up stairs and in the kitchen a bowl of yogurt and fruit was sitting on the island I said "thanks" and sat down to eat. Everyone joined me and Edward said "you know he works for another 2 hours right?" I said "yeah I know but I was kidnapped so..." Edward looked at Bella who shrugged and said "sorry but you wouldn't talk last night because Charlie could overhear. I wanna know more"

I stared at my insane sister and said "what more can you possibly know? I told you how it felt" Rose and the boys looked so confused. I finished up and when Jasper took my bowl I went to the living room. Alice said "all you said was it was pure bliss" I nodded and Bella said "what emotions did you feel?" I sighed and stared at all these people, my friends and smiled.

I said "the emotions I felt were Love, happiness and that I was safe and protected. I felt like the world made sense while I was in his arms and I felt raw passion. Bella it is hard to explain you just have to experience it to truly understand."

Emmett finally said "what are you talking about?" We all stared at him and Rose said "it's obvious she had sex for the first time" Emmett said "ohh" I rolled my eyes and Bella said "I can't believe you had sex before me" she sighed and flopped back into the couch. I heard the door open and said "Bella it will happen when it's right for you" I heard footsteps coming up the stair and Alice, Jasper, Rose, and Emmett disappeared.

Carlisle walked I got her room and said "did I miss something?" He looked between me and a sulking sister. I said "oh nothing just a nosy sister and your nosy seeing visions daughter" he chuckled and said "I'm sorry she kept asking questions" I said "it's fine except I don't really know how to answer them." Bella said "I'm a Virgin like she was I just wanted to know how it felt" I turned to my sister and said "Bella like I said I can't put it into words but I can try. It's kinda like love, happiness, passion, safety, Hope, possibilities, and absolute bliss all rolled into one amazing night. But that is the best I can explain it so please stop asking." She nodded, hugged me then followed Edward upstairs.

We spent the day there and went home for dinner. Before heading to sleep.

Novalyn Faye SwanWhere stories live. Discover now