Bella is ok

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I was sitting in Bella's room on her bed with Carlisle sitting on a chair between my legs and we were talking about anything and everything. Edward came in and said "Charlie and Renee just showed up" I nodded and kissed Carlisle who kissed me back and then left the room. He laid down on the couch and I laid down next to Bella on her left since the right had the IV. The door opened and I heard Carlisle say "um the kids are still asleep and Bella hasn't woken either, my guess is she should be awake in the next three days." Renee said "why is Nova in a hospital bed is she ok?" Carlisle said "she is fine she just refuses to leave her sisters side." I heard someone walk up to us and say "oh my poor daughter" it was Renee. I heard the door open and Carlisle say "this is Bella's nurse. Renee please back up. Edward time to wake up" I heard him move and fake yawn. Then I felt the cold hands of Carlisle and he slightly shook me and said "Novalyn time to wake up we need to check on your sister" I stretched and yawned and he helped me off the bed Renee and Charlie grabbed me and pulled me back against the wall and Renee asked what happened so I said "Bella and I went with her boyfriend to his family baseball game. Afterwards I got permission from dad to spend the night with Alice my best friend and Edwards little sister. While i was at the house Edward came in all upset saying Bella broke up with him then dad called me and said Bella ran off back home. Edward asked Carlisle if he could go talk to Bella here in Phoenix and Carlisle said he'd bring him so when dad told me she was gone I asked if I could come with Carlisle and help Edward talk to my sister to figure out what was wrong. She was so happy it was weird. Anyway I convinced her to come to the hotel and I waited at the top of the stairs. I guess she didn't tie her shoes because as she came up she tripped on her laces and fell down the stairs. At the bottom there was a big window and she crashed through it. I immediately called for Carlisle who was in the room since he is a doctor and he helped me bring her here."

She nodded and hugged me tight, after he finished checking Bella Renee said "Nova sweetie can you go to the cafe and give us time?" I said "uh sure" Edward followed me out and once the door shut he said "they just want time alone with Bella" I nodded and we walked to the cafe. I got a parfait and lemonade then sat at a table, Edward sat with me and we talked a little bit until Carlisle showed up and sat next to me he placed his hand on my thigh and we continued to talk.

After a couple of hours both Renee and Charlie came in so he discreetly took his hand off my thigh and they pulled up chairs to sit with us. Charlie said "Edward, Carlisle can I have a moment with my daughter?" Carlisle said "currently do you guys want anything?" I said "coffee please" he nodded and they both got up and got in line though I knew they could still hear.

Charlie said "she isn't your mother so you don't have to, but Bella will be going to Florida. So the question is do you want to stay with me in forks or do you want to go with aunt Renee to Florida?" I thought for a second even though I didn't need to and then said "Aunt Renee I love you and Uncle Phil but I think I need to be with my dad right now. Besides I have friends and a life I can't leave it all behind." They nodded and the boys came back Carlisle had my iced mocha in his hand. I took it and said "thank you" he said "always welcome Novalyn"

Renee said "how come you call her by her whole first name but Bella by her nickname?" And Carlisle said "simply because Bella has made it clear she does not like Isabella where as Novalyn really doesn't have a preference" she nodded and she grabbed my hand and the two of us walked back to Bella.

She said "is he married?" I giggled and said "no but you are" she ignored that and said "how old is he?" I said "I don't know 25 maybe 26 again your married." She nudged me and said "not for me silly" I said "then who for?" She giggled and opened Bella's door.

I woke up to Bella shifting which shocked me I heard her and Renee talking she put her arm around me and Renee said "Edward and Nova refuse to leave your side." Bella said "mom what happened?" She explained to Bella what I told her but I have a feeling Bella just wanted to know what she did.

Renee said "Oh baby your gonna love Florida" Bella started freaking out and Renee said "settle down or your gonna wake your sister. What's wrong" Bella said "mom I want to stay in forks" she didn't look convinced but said "let's see what your father says he is in the cafe. I'm gonna get a nurse." Bell said "Nova I love you but can you get Carlisle?" I said "absolutely dear sister" I kissed her cheek and went to the bathroom and got dressed in this.

After I was ready I left the room and check the cafe

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After I was ready I left the room and check the cafe. He was sat at a table so I leaned on the table next to him after making sure neither my dad or aunt were in there and said "Bella is awake" he smiled at me and said "alright beautiful let's go check on your sister" I nodded and stood up.

Bella ended up being able to go home and Charlie and Renee decided to let bells come to forks. On the plane I sat with Carlisle in the very front (1st class) while Charlie, Bella, and Edward (who asked to switch with me) sat in the back of the plane. Because we were in first class I leaned against him and we quietly talked. Charlie can't get back here so we won't get caught. I said "I wish I were 18" he said "you will be 18 soon enough beautiful" he kissed me so I kissed him back.

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