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My vampire ability is to be human so I had another set of babies this time four of them all girls. 

it goes 

Raiden James (Rae) Mated to Leah

Jasmine Elizabeth (Jazzy) Mated to Seth

Camdyn Taylor (Cami) 

Madison Parker (Mads, Maddie)

Olivia Noelle (Liv, Livy)

Mackenzie Kyrel (Kenz, Kenzie)

We had moved around a lot, it has been 7 years since the battle with he Volturi, Today is the first day of school our new story is 

Carlisle Cullen adopted twins Rosalie and Jasper, Then Emmett, Then siblings Alice and Edward, Then Twins Isabella (Bella) and Novalyn, Then Twins Renesmee and Jayana, Then sextuplets Raiden, Jasmine, Camdyn, Madison, Olivia, and Mackenzie. 

Leah and Seth died protecting the twins. I was downstairs but my children weren't so I said "I want all 12 of my children and my 2 grandchildren down her asap!" They all came down so I said "there are 15 of us so we are taking four cars three of which will have four people the fourth will have three and the drivers are Me with Mads, Kenz, and JJ, Edward with Bella, Ness, and Livy, Emmett with Rose, Alice, and Jasper, and Raiden has Jazzy and Cami. Now head to school I will get our schedules when we get there" Mads said "yes momma" everyone grabbed their bags and got in cars I kissed Carlisle and left as well.

Once at the school I went to the office and said "excuse me ma'am I need my siblings and i's schedules" She said "Names" I said "Rosalie and Jasper Hale, Isabella, Renesmee, Jayana, and Novalyn Swan, Edward, Alice, Emmett, Raiden, Jasmine, Camdyn, Madison, and Mackenzie Cullen." She gasped at me and said "why does your father have 15 children?" I said "well he adopted us all we have three sets of twins, a set of sextuplets, and three other kids". She handed me the 15 papers and I went back out and handed them out. It is the kids' first year in actual school so I said "all eight of you listen up, remember your stories and don't show vamp stuff at school, all of you are half human so act like a human" they nodded Ness and JJ said "absolutely Grams." and hugged me. 

They all went to class and I took a deep breath before following. 

Life was good I had my children and my husband and I was utterly happy.

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