Renesmee Carlie Cullen

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Two weeks have gone by and the girls popped in their first tooth and Raiden is teething. Bella and Edward are in Rio, on a Cullen private island. Renee won't ever speak to me and tried to call forks police saying I kidnapped the children but since most of them know me and have seen the kids since birth they know better.

So life was pretty good which means I woke up feeling like shit. So I didn't get out of bed instead Carlisle came in and said "are you ok beautiful?" I said "nope" Emmett brought the babies in to breastfeed then left. Carlisle checked me out while they ate.

Then Bella called Alice and she ran in to give it to us. He put it on speaker

Carlisle: Bella are you ok?
Bella: I don't know can vampires go into shock?
Carlisle: Bella what happened? Is he hurt?
Bella: Carlisle I think... I think I'm pregnant I have a noticeable bump and I feel something moving inside me.
Carlisle: Nova how quick did you show?
Nova: um probably about 3 months why?
Carlisle: Bella, Edward get home with Nova sick and you sick I want you all home now!

He hung up the phone and I said "she is gonna be ok right?" He said "I think so" he took the girls out and left Raiden because he is all about the momma right now. He came back with a sonogram, I said "what you think I'm pregnant again?" He said "I am not ruling it out" I said "I swear to god it I am pregnant with triplets I will cut off your dick" he laughed and said "lay back axe murderer." I giggled and laid back Raiden crawled his way to the top of my head to lay down. So I put my arms on his tummy while Carlisle put cold ass gel on my stomach.

After a few seconds he said "definitely pregnant again" I groaned. Why did I have to be pregnant again, not that I hate my children but they are 4 months old I'm still nursing. I threw a pillow at him and he took the hint, leaving me alone in the room.

I sat up and grabbed Raiden, standing him up in front of me. He was full of smiles and giggles just babbling away. I kissed his cute little face and said "say mama, mama mama mama" he giggled.

Then when I laid him down to change his butt he said "Ma Ma" I froze. He just said his first word. I was his first word, the door opened and Carlisle just stared at our son like he was an alien. Carlisle said "did he just talk?" I said "yeah I believe he did" he then proceeded to test his new word. "Ma ma ma ma" I squealed and kissed his chubby little cheeks and said "yes baby I am mama"

He was grinning ear to ear I still wasn't feeling good but I decided to dress him and then go downstairs and not feel good on the couch.


Then I saw my daughters dressed in this

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Then I saw my daughters dressed in this.



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I sat on the couch with my son in my arms and played with him then my little girls crawled to me so I brought them both up and played with all three babies

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I sat on the couch with my son in my arms and played with him then my little girls crawled to me so I brought them both up and played with all three babies.

That night we had to go get Bella and Edward from the airport so I loaded my car with the babies.

Raiden's car seat

The girls car seats

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The girls car seats

And followed the cars to the airport

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And followed the cars to the airport. Once there I put the babies into their stroller. We waited for Bella and Edward for 30 minutes and finally we saw them. Bella ran straight into Rose and I's arms so we hugged her tight and she whispered "he wants me to get rid of it but I want it please help me" I nodded and Rose said "you've got us don't worry"

Bella ended up riding with me so she helped me get them into the car. On the road home I said "Bella I'm pregnant again" she smiled and said "that's amazing how come I'm showing more than you?" I shrugged and said "my first was semi normal so I don't know."

She nodded and she slept in my room with me and the babies (because she locked the door and I said she couldn't lock my children out of my room.) I woke up to the babies crying at 6 am so I looked over and saw Raiden and Jasmine sitting up. I grabbed them and put them between Bella and I then went back to sleep after they fell asleep.

The 2 weeks that ensued was irritating see In two weeks Bella looked ready to pop and only Rose and I were on her side. Carlisle didn't do anything because I told him he couldn't force her. He reasoned that it made sense Edward however wasn't seeing the probability of her survival all he saw was her downfall. She made me promise that if she didn't make it and Edward didn't want the baby that I was to raise her. Bella thinks it's a boy I think girl so we are at an impasse. Jake showed up day or two after she got back and ended up telling Sam she was pregnant so now Sam wants to kill her and the baby. Because of this Jacob came to help us and Leah and Seth followed probably because Bella is the auntie to their imprints. Either way they are here to protect us all.

I went downstairs with the babies who were very chatty today and handed Summer to Bella because my daughter is all about her auntie these days. Carlisle said they needed to hunt so him, Emmett, and Jasper went hunting while Jacob covered for them. Jacob came inside and Bella said "I have to talk about something with you" Edward said "Bella is choosing baby names." I said "Rose hates them"

Jake smiled and said "ok" Bella said "they are not that bad. If it's a boy EJ (Edward-Jacob). Rose said "fine it's not awful. Tell him the girls name!" Bella said "I was playing around with our moms names Renee and Elizabeth Esme. So I was thinking Renesmee" I said "very pretty" Edward said "unique"

She reached for her cup and it slipped so she tried to catch it and something snapped. She started screaming, I grabbed my children and took them to the kitchen. I put them in their high chairs with teething biscuits and made some bottles with pumped milk.

Then I waited patiently Alice was calling Carlisle and Jake, Edward, and Rose were up with Bella.

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