Port Angeles

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During the next week Bella and Edward played shark. Basically meaning that they would talk until she brought up the secret then he would magically hate her again. During the weekend she went to La Push with her friends. Today it was warm so I dressed in this.

I sat with Bella because my friends were gone

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I sat with Bella because my friends were gone. Bella was looking for Edward when Jessica said "don't bother he isn't here none of them are" Bella said "what did they just ditch?" Jessica said "no dr. Cullen pulled them out for hiking they do it every time it's nice outside. Tried that out on my parents not even close." Bella nodded and then Angela sat down and said "I'm going to prom with Eric I just asked and took control." Jess said "we gotta go to port Angeles tonight." Bella said "port Angeles? Can Nova and I come?" I stared at her like she was stupid and Jess said "yeah I need you girl's opinions."

Me and Bella walked away and I said "why me?" And Bella said "you love shopping and I don't want to go to a bookstore alone" I sighed and went to class.

After school I went upstairs and switched my phone and wallet into my purse and met Bella downstairs and we got in Jessica's car. Once at the dress shop I went looking for ones I like. Jessica, Angela, and I tried on like a thousand dresses. Some guys knocked on the window and whistled which made us all uncomfortable. I found three I had to have and bought them.

Once I had purchased my dresses Bella said "do you mind if we go to a bookstore and we meet you at the restaurant?" Jess said "if your sure" angela said "um Nova do you want to leave your bags and we will put them in the car with ours?" I said "su...

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Once I had purchased my dresses Bella said "do you mind if we go to a bookstore and we meet you at the restaurant?" Jess said "if your sure" angela said "um Nova do you want to leave your bags and we will put them in the car with ours?" I said "sure thank you!" I handed her my bags and we grabbed our coats then walked to the bookstore. I got more vampire books and Bella got some legend book. Then we left it was really dark and I think we were lost. We went down an alley and saw some of the boys who based on their walking skills appeared to be drunk.

I grabbed Bella's hand and we sped up walking we crossed the street only to find more guys. It looked like we were being herded by them. One shouted "ain't those the girls from the dress shop?" The others started laughing and I was terrified. I started fumbling with my phone when one grabbed me and tore me from Bella, there were ten guys I'd assume I know, at least five were surrounding me. One grabbed the zipper to my shirt so I kicked him in the balls. All I heard was them laughing and Bella screaming "LEAVE MY SISTER ALONE!" Trying to fight her way to me.

While I was kicking two of them the third managed to unzip my top and drop it to the floor leaving me in just my bra. As the fourth went toward my bra and the fifth went toward my skirt bright lights showed up and Edward Cullen got out of the speeding car. All ten guys backed away from us and Edward said "car now!" Bella grabbed my hand and drug me to the car opening up the back for me to slide in.

Edward finally joined us and sped off Bella said "put your seatbelt on" he laughed but said "I should go back and rip their heads off" Bella said "no you shouldn't." He replied with "you don't know the vial and repulsive things they were thinking of doing to you and Faye" I said "and you do? Edward not that I'm not grateful because I am but how did you find us?" He said "I feel very protective over you two." I gasped and Bella said "you followed us?" And he said "I tried to keep my distance until you needed me then I heard those vial thoughts and..." I shook my head he can read minds? Seriously?

He stopped at the restaurant and as we went to get out I said "um guys my shirt" Edward and Bella looked back at me in just my bra and skirt so Edward popped the trunk and got out grabbing a hoodie and gave it to me said "it will be big because it is Carlisles" I nodded and slipped it over my head, once I was covered up we got out.

Jessica said "where were you? We called you both a lot. we waited but we were starving" Edward walked up behind us and said "sorry I saw the girls and we got to talking but we lost track of time." Jessica said "yeah no it happens, do you girls want to?" And Edward cut her off and said "I think I should make sure they get something to eat"

So the girls left and we went inside the restaurant. Bella ordered the ravioli and Edward ordered me some fruit and some juice. He ordered a coke which he gave to Bella after she sucked hers down. She said "so you can read minds?" He said "I can read every kind in here except for yours Bella." She stared at him so he pointed to people and said "sex, sex, money, cat, sex" then he pointed to me and said "her love and now she is mad at me but you? Nothing"

Bella looked concerned and said "is there something wrong with me?" He looked appalled and said "I tell you I read minds and you think there is something wrong with you?" She nodded and she continued to ask him questions and he would answer them. Then he dropped us off at home and I said "I'll give his hoodie back tomorrow" Edward said "don't worry about he would want you to keep it." I hugged my friend goodnight and went upstairs to my room I changed from my skirt to sweats and went to bed after washing my face and brushing my teeth.

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