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Other P.O.V

"Do you know where is he?"

"I'm sorry, I can't find out where he lives...But I know where he goes to school,"

(sigh)"He must live with Jinyoung.Where the school?"

"He same with your son school,"

(chuckles)"You know what you have to do,"

"Yes ma'am,"

Chanyeol P.O.V

"Jungkook how's your audition?So...are you pass?What group you join?EXO?Astro?Seventeen?"


"Wait what!BTS?Cinca?"

"Let's go to art class,"smile Jungkook.

Art Class

Lisa P.O.V

"Okay,well you guys must know Jungkook right.So we can straight to our class.Where is empty place to Jungkook?

"Miss,he can sit beside me,"Momo said and show the place.

"Hm...others?I think you can sit next to Lisa.If you have a question you can ask her,"

"But miss it's Bambam place,"Momo added.

"It's okay,he can sit next to you,"

After that,Jungkook sit beside me and I see my BFF Tzuyu and Chanyeol smile at me.(sigh)Then,our teacher continue the class.It seems the class is going well as usual.Then,something unexpected happened.

"Lisa get down,"Jungkook said.


Jungkook P.O.V

Lisa is siting next to the class windows then...Out of sudden my eyes turned yellow(that means danger is coming)And I can see someone with a gun hides behind the bush 1.5km from here.

"Lisa get down,"


(sound of gunshot)

Without hesitation,I protected her by blocking her from the bullet.And I see my blood flowing.All  the students look very shocked and panicked when they heard the sound of gunfire and blood flowing from my body especially Lisa.

Lisa P.O.V

"Jungkook!'all the students shouted.Then,Jungkook fainted.What just happened?.In a flash,our teacher call the ambulance and take him.My BFF and I follow them too.

At the hospital

"Doctor,how about Jungkook?"asked our teacher.

"He suffered a hemorrhage in his left arm and on the back of his body due to a shoot that was approximately 1km away.Fortunately he was rushed to the hospital otherwise his bleeding would have been worse ,"explain the doctor.

"Later we want to take him to the operating room to remove the bullet.So,I need his guardian's signature.Did he have any family?"added the doctor.

"Oh...And virus from..."

"Doctor...You can talk to me.I'm his guardian,"said Jinyoung oppa who run to school for Jungkook.

"What virus,doctor?"asked Tzuyu.

"Nothing Tzuyu,"said Jinyoung oppa.After that he walk away with doctor.

"Lisa,what just happened?A bullet?"panicked Tzuyu.

"I don't know,"A gun shot?How he know there is a shoot?It's impossible.How he can see that's far?It's like...

"Are you Lisa from Musical School?"

"Yes,I am,"

"We police from Gangnam want you to give information about the Jeon Jungkook,"said the police.

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