Chapter 4

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As summer was approaching business was really picking up due to everyone wanting to get things checked on before summer vacations. One of the guys, Larry, that had worked here forever decided it was time for him to retire so with that came the daunting task of having to hire someone else. Not to mention we would be short staffed, meaning longer hours for all of us until he was replaced. All of these guys had pretty much been here since the beginning but now they were all getting older. I knew this day would come sooner or later but I was really hoping it would be later rather than sooner.

My dad was interviewing people and said that this would be a good thing to get some young blood in here since everyone was getting older, slower and more cranky. I just laughed at him and shook my head. Hopefully it would be someone willing to get their hands dirty and stick around for the long haul. I was leaving all of this hiring business up to him since he was the best judge of character. He could spot a bad apple from a mile away. I on the other hand seemed to see the good in everyone. It's was a character flaw I inherited from my mom. She always saw the good in everyone even if they weren't so nice to her sometimes. She would always say maybe they are just having a bad day or they may have some really serious issues going on that we may not understand. I loved that about her. That ability to see the good in others even on their worst day. She was a hospice nurse so she was use to seeing people at their worst. But her kind disposition and caring nature always left her patients feeling at ease. She took the time to care for them and value them. They loved her for that. They weren't just a patient but were like part of the family. She was truly and angel sent from above that lit up any room and could make you forget about all you fears and troubles just with one smile.

I sure did miss her so badly. The pain in my head never fully healed and with each passing year it became harder and harder to sometime accept the fact that she was never coming home. Birthdays and holidays were especially hard on us but we all tried to be brave and not show one another how it truly effected us. We spoke of her often and that seemed to help us cope more with her loss. If we kept talking about her it was as if she were still here watching over us.

With Larry leaving I sent a message out to all the guys to see if they wanted to have a little retirement going away party for him. I let them know I would make my moms world famous red velvet cake. It was all of the guys favorite dessert and from time to time I would make it for them on their birthday's. We were family and I appreciated each and everyone of them for sticking it out with us when my mom died. Because my dad had become a complete mess and there for a while things between him and the guys were strained. If I hadn't of stayed to help run the business there may not have been one left when I had gotten back from college. But things were going good now and we are all one big happy family again.

I was finishing up when my dad came out of the office. He just sat and watched me work. I looked up at him and said, "What?"

"Nothing. I'm so so proud of the young woman you have become. You mother would be just as proud of you as I am." He tried not to tear up.

"Dad you know I would do anything for you and Elizabeth and besides I really love the guys and getting my hands dirty. You know I've never been a girly girl. I'm proud of you too dad." I looked up at him and smiled.

"Why are you proud of me?" He shrugged his shoulders and looked at me with his hand out.

"Because you created this! I'm the best mechanic in the world. Not to toot my own horn or anything. Toot toot." I looked at him seriously.

We looked at each other and both busted out laughing. He should have know better. I always seem to catch him off guard to lighten the serious mood. It's just what I've always done. He means the world to me and I never want to see him sad ever again.

He locked up and I hopped up into his truck and we both headed for home. I was ready to wash the days grime off of me and just go to sleep. But first I would devour my frozen pizza I had been thinking about all day. I had been so busy today that I had skipped eating lunch. Mental note to self do not skip lunch ever again. The guys were lucky I didn't get hangry today.

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