Chapter 24

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I woke up the next morning stiff and still in my car. I must have dozed off while waiting for Caleb to come home. I shot straight up and looked frantically for his Jeep but it still wasn't there. Why wasn't he home yet? I tried to call his phone again but it went straight to voicemail. I left him another message pleading for him to call me back. Just as I was about to leave a car pulled up into the driveway.I rolled down my window and asked the older gentlemen if he knew Caleb and his reply was yes he was his landlord.

"Can you please tell me if you have heard from him because I have been trying to call him since last night" I tried to contain my emotions.

" Yes. I spoke with him yesterday and he said he was moving out and to pack up his belongings that were left and mail the to an address he had given to me." His landlord told me with sympathy in his eyes.

"Is there anyway you could give me that address?" I tried no to sound like some creepy stalker.

"I'm sorry Miss but I don't know who you are. I will have to get the ok with Caleb before I can share that with you." He shook his head and shrugged his shoulders.

"Can I give you my phone number and if you hear anything from him will you please give me a call? Let him know that Katherine needs to talk to him." I pulled out a note pad and pen that I kept in the car usually to jot down part numbers. Thank goodness I kept it in there because this was an emergency situation. I handed the landlord the piece of paper with my name and phone number written on it.

"I will let you know as soon as I hear something back from him. Sorry I couldn't be of more help Miss." He said before continuing up the drive way.

I drove back home wondering why Caleb had left without even talking to me first. He had to have known that if I read the letter then I would have surly have understood just how sorry he was about the whole situation. I loved him and I thought that he really loved me too. So why did he just up and leave so suddenly?

I pulled into the driveway and dragged my sore and achy body into my bathroom to take a shower since I had spent all night in my car. I then crawled into my bed and just looked up at the ceiling wondering if I would ever hear from Caleb or see him again. I felt like I really blew it. I made him fell so bad about everything and maybe he could never forgive me for being so unsympathetic. If he just would have explained it all to me then maybe I wouldn't have reacted so harshly. Who am I kidding. I would have probably reacted the same way. I was so upset that I would have never have listened to him and he knew that. Now he was gone forever. I really messed up everything. I wanted Caleb to come back and be with me forever.

After my shower I went into the living room and there sat dad and Elizabeth. I plopped on the couch and just looked at the TV, not really watching it because my thoughts were consumed with Caleb. I needed to talk to him. He must think that I hate him. Surly he must have listened to his messages that I left him. Why was he ignoring me? It was making me crazy all the what if's that could have or should have been. I needed to know if he really did love me or not. As I was so engrossed with my inner thoughts I was slowly brought back to reality by someone lightly shaking me and calling my name. It was my dad.

"Hey kiddo are you ok?" My dad looked at me with concern in his eyes.

"No dad I'm not alright. I feel like I really messed everything up." I looked at him in defeat.

"He'll come around. He just needs a little time to get his head on straight." The hope he had in his voice gave me new confidence that he would come back to me.

"Your right dad. He just needs some time. Maybe I do too." I did after all need some time to process everything that had happened over the last few days. All I could do was wait for him. I had been waiting my whole life already so what if I had to wait a little more. I was tired of feeling sorry for myself. I got up and decided to go and see Rachel. With a quick text I confirmed with her that she wasn't busy and made my way to town. I needed my best friend right now. She was the one person who could make me feel some sense of normalcy again.

I drove into to town to meet up with Rachel at a little cafe that served the best coffee and cheese danishes. It was a place that I would come to often with my mom growing up. She loved the smell of coffee and she would always say that this place must be what heaven is like because the smell was just heavenly. I sure do hope this is what her heaven smells like.

As I sat and waited for Rachel to arrive I noticed some really odd older man staring at me. I had never seen him before and he made me feel very uneasy. I decided to call Rachel and see how much longer she was going to be but her phone just went to voicemail. She must be driving and doesn't hear it. I decided to ignore the strange old man and place my order. It wasn't unusual for Rachel to be fashionable late. As soon as my order arrived at the table Rachel walked in the door. Boasting about how sorry she was for being late. I just laughed it off and told her I had already ordered for her as well.

We sat and talked about everything that had been going on and how much we have missed hanging out with each other. It had been way too long and we needed to definitely get together more often. I had been so busy hanging out with Caleb that I had been neglecting to spend quality time with my best friend.  We stayed and chatted for close to two hours and decided we really needed to get going. We both had to work tomorrow and it was stating to get late. She was parked on the opposite side of the building so we gave each other a hug and went our separate ways. As I rounded the corner of the building there stood the older man next to my car. Now I'm not some dainty girl who can't take care of myself. I took karate and still take kickboxing so I know how to defend myself. I decided to confront him. I had my pepper spray in hand and as I got closer her said, "Miss you can put the pepper spray away I just want to talk to you?"

"Sorry but I can't do that because I don't know you or trust you. You do see my point of view on this I'm sure?" I said in a tone that told him I would kick the living shit out of him if he tried to mess with me. "What do you want to talk about that seems to be of such importance that you would apparently stalk me so that you could tell me?"

"I'm not stalking you. I'm here to tell you that Caleb has gotten into some trouble and you won't be hearing from him ever again." He shrugged his shoulder as if that were that.

"What do you mean he has gotten into some trouble?" I needed to know what it was if I was never to see him again.

"He went back home to take care of a few things and that's when the trouble began. He is set to inherit a small fortune and some really bad people are upset that they didn't get a cut of the inheritance." The man told me with little to no emotion in his voice.

"So why is Caleb in trouble then?" I looked at the man and demanded an answer.

"They plan on killing him. With him out of the way they can lay claim to the fortune." He flicked his cigarette butt on the ground and stomped his foot on it to put it out.

"I don't understand. Where is Caleb now?" I pleaded with the man to tell me. Hoping he was ok.

"He is hiding out right now. He knows that these men are looking for him and he wanted me to let you know that he was ok. He would not be able to contact you or see you ever again because he doesn't want you to get involved in any of this." He stated to walk away after telling me that bit of news.

"Hey! Wait a second. I'm not done here. Who are you and why does he trust you to tell me this information?" I grabbed his arm causing him to startle.

"Look I am here to help a friend out. I don't owe you anymore than that. Hell I don't owe you anything at all." And with that he walked away not saying another word.

I just stood there dumbfounded and not quite able to grasp the fact that I might not ever be able to see Caleb again. I needed to know that he was alright. I needed to see him even if it was just one last time. I had to find him and tell him how I feel about him. Doesn't love conquer all? It had to I wasn't willing to take no for an answer.

I hope you are enjoying the story so far!! Thank you for coming on this journey with me!!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2021 ⏰

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